Year 6- Distant

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I was reading the paper this summer. I wish I hadn't. But that wouldn't have stopped it from happening. On the cover there was Draco and his mother. His father had been taken to Azkaban. I opened the page and I saw "DEATH EATERS DESTROY THE MILLENIUM BRIDGE." I knew that bridge to be the one my father took. When my mother read this, she dropped her mug on the floor, in what seemed like slow motion, and we broke into tears. My father was dead. He had been killed in a death eater attack. After the funeral, my mother didn't talk to me. I was in my room one day when she came up to me and slapped me across the face. "I know.", she said, tears streaming down her face. "What?", I said confused. "I know about your death eater boyfriend. I can't believe you're getting messy with one of the people that killed your father. You disgrace. I warned you." I couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. This wasn't my mother. My mother would never say this. To me or to anyone. "I warned you that day six years ago, ' don't talk to slytherins they're nothing but trouble.' And now you're father's dead. DEAD. BECAUSE OF ONE OF THEM." "Mom he didn't... He wouldn't-" "There you go again, making excuses for everyone. When are you going to learn? Is it because he's attractive? Is that why you're with him? I thought you were going to be fine when you went to the ball with Harry Potter, but here you are. You're going with the Weasleys. I hope I never see you again. Pack your bags.", she said finally, with hurt in her voice. She slammed the door and I started sobbing. My own mother wouldn't do this. She's not the same person she was before. The death of my father did this? I was angry. I was mad at everyone, at the world, and myself.. And I was mad at Draco. There was a possibility he could be a death eater just like his father and I hated myself for ever believing in him.

I packed my bags that same day and went to the Burrow. I was greeted by Molly Weasley. She hugged me hard and wouldn't let go. I cried into her shoulder. She felt warm. "Elizabeth... Isn't herself anymore.", she said. She showed me inside and all the Weasley siblings group-hugged me. "Thanks, guys.", I mumbled. Arthur Weasley smiled warmly. Fred and George took my bags up to Ginny's room. They were being really nice, and told me jokes to lighten up the mood.

"I'm uh... Sorry about your dad.", said Ron. "Thank you.", I said. When Hermione got here, she wouldn't leave my side. In Ginny's room, I would lay awake for hours looking at the ceiling. Draco and I were so different, and I am supposed to hate him. But I loved him. I love the Draco that I knew these years. It was difficult to love him, now especially, but I didn't have to try very hard. If there was one thing I knew, its that my love for him is not fragile.

One day, Ginny said that Harry came, and I peeked down he stairs. He was there, and we all went to hug him. Ron was being touchy with Hermione. Could they... No, that's impossible. I sat with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. My first friends and I felt like I haven't hung out with them in ages. Ron said that his mum was considering not letting him and Ginny go back to Hogwarts. I remembered my mother didn't say anything. She didn't care... Ron made a joke about Dumbledore's age. I laughed, I felt like I haven't laughed in ages. But I did in the Burrow. With the Weasleys. I don't know what I'd do without them.

One day in the Burrow, I was sitting in the couch when Fred and George came up to me. "We decided we don't want to see you like this.", said Fred. "What?", I said confused. "Come on.", said George. They put music on and made me dance with them. I laughed and sang along, and I was having fun with my friends.


One day, we were in Fred and George's joke shop, that they funded with Harry's Triwizard Tournament money, when I stopped at their love potion section. Then thoughts flew in. I am the daughter of a muggle. He was dead now, but... What if Draco no longer found me attractive? My thoughts were interrupted by George and Fred walking up to me. "Don't think you need that. Tons of guys fall head over heals for you.", said George with a wink. I chuckled. "Yeah, right."

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