Year 4- Safe with the Weasleys

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My mother always loved quidditch, but large crowds of people screaming usually made her uneasy. So, she let me go to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasley family, Hermione, and Harry. We went to pick up Harry, which was a hassle all in itself because of his aunt and uncle, and we went to the Burrow. Harry told us about a dream he had, and it did not sound good but we didn't talk about it. Along the way to the camps, we saw Amos and Cedric Diggory, which Hermione, Ginny, and I giggled at. Cedric was extremely handsome. Anyone could see that. We used a portkey to get to the campsite we were staying at. The campsite was filled with people, from opposing teams. Some from Bulgaria and others from Ireland. We were on Ireland's side, by the way. We parted ways with the Diggory's and went inside our magic tent that was huge on the inside but small on the outside. I was super nervous about living with George the whole time, but he hung out with Fred, and I with Ginny and Hermione.


On the day of the game, we went to take our seats. We were pretty high up. "Blimey, dad, how far up are we?", asked Ron. "Well, put it this way.", said a voice I was not happy to hear. "If it rains, you'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy. The one who put that diary in my cauldron two years ago. I hated him more than anyone. I was busy hating on Lucius but got distracted when Draco started talking. He was bragging about his seats. He was wearing a black suit and looked up at me while his dad and the Weasleys walked away without us. "Draco!", I said smiling from above. "Hey Talia. With the Weasleys, huh?", he said. "Yes. My family and their family are friends and I love them as my own.", I said, crossing my arms. "I didn't mean any harm!", he said sarcastically offended. "See you later, Dray.", I said. "What?", he asked, taken back by the new nickname. "Oh um..." "No, its fine.", he told me laughing. I walked back to the Weasleys to watch the game.

Throughout the game, everyone was freaking out about Bulgarian player, Viktor Krum, including myself. He was an amazing quidditch player. Krum caught the snitch, but Ireland won. Back in the tent, while Fred, George, and Harry were singing, and Ron was fantasizing about Krum, Mr. Weasley said we had to leave immediately. We went outside to find the entire campsite burning. In a panic, everyone ran as far away as they could from men in pointy hooded cloaks. After a while, everyone realized they left Harry behind, and before we found him, we saw a green skull in the sky with a snake running through it. I recognized it. It was his mark. A Dark Mark. I almost stress cried, and then we found Harry. A group of people attacked us before they disappeared and Mr. Weasley and Barty Crouch found us. Harry said he saw a man cast a spell to put the Dark Mark in the sky, but he didn't know what he looked like. I knew this year was going to be much, much worse than the others.


My parents obviously heard about what happened in the World Cup, and they were so worried but grateful that I was with the Weasleys. On the train ride to Hogwarts, we were all worried, and Hermione advised Harry to tell Sirius about what happened. Anyways, I did get a letter from my cousin, Amelie, that said she would be coming to Hogwarts! I was so excited because I haven't seen her in ages! When we got to school we saw a carriage being flown in by winged horses, and I knew that had to be them. Then, we saw a large ship coming from under the water. I didn't know who they were, and confused what was happening, but ill make sure to listen to Dumbledore's speech this year. After the sorting, Dumbledore said that Hogwarts is going to host the "Triwizard Tournament", a tournament on which people do stuff and die. Typical idea by Dumbledore, but it'll be fine, right? Then, everyone from Beauxbatons came and while they were doing their whole majestic thing I spotted Amelie, a dirty-blonde haired girl with hazel eyes and waved at her. Then, the other school came in. The school was called "Durmstrang" and you're never gonna believe who goes there. VIKTOR KRUM!! Amelie sat in the Gryffindor table with me instead of with everyone else at her school in the Ravenclaw table.

During the feast, we saw what had to be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, a chubby guy with straw hair and a weird eye. He looked familiar, as if id seen him in my childhood, but I don't remember him. "That's Alastor Moody, or Mad-Eye Moody, he's an auror." Oh, that explains it. My mother knows a lot of aurors. I never did ask her why. He kept drinking out of some flask. Barty Crouch said that no student under the age of 17 is allowed to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, which made perfect sense to me until George and Fred said "THAT'S RUBBISH!" So anyways, I loudly complained when Dumbledore shut everybody up. "So... Which one's George?", Amelie asked. I pointed discreetly to him next to Fred, to which she nodded. Dumbledore showed us the "Goblet of Fire", where students were to put their names in if they wanted to participate.

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