Year 2- The worst he could do.

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The next day at breakfast, Hermione was still upset at Ron and Harry. "Give them a break.", I told her. But she wouldn't listen. Ron's owl, Erol, came in with a letter. No, a howler. I knew what they were, but I'd never gotten one before. Then, the letter seemed to erupt with screams. "RONALD WEASLEY. HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR. I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGSTED. YOUR FATHER IS FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT IS COMPLETELY YOUR FAULT. YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE AND WE'LL SEND YOU STRAIGHT. HOME...Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud.", I heard from Molly Weasley's voice. Everyone fell silent before people laughed. "Um... It's alright, Ron...", I said, just to say something.

We were going to Herbology and standing next to Professor Sprout was Gilderoy Lockhart. Apparently, he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. "I just hope he is better than the last one", I told Hermione. I stood next to Neville in Herbology, he fainted at the mandrake, but he really seemed to enjoy the class.

Walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts, we were stopped by a boy named Colin Creevey who wanted to take pictures of Harry. I noticed this made him uncomfortable, so I laughed about it to make him feel better. A little tip from Fred and George. They both cheered me up. Especially George... Anyways, none other than Draco Malfoy came in with his angry glare and smirk. "What now, Malfoy?", I said, tired of him. "Giving out signed photographs, Potter? You should give one to Weasley. It'll be worth more than his whole house." Ron took out his wand but I whispered to him; "it's broken.", and instead took out mine. "I'll hex you.", I told him. "No you won't." I furrowed my eyebrows, and Lockhart came in. Not to stop anyone from fighting, but to have Colin take a picture of him and Harry together. Useless. "Bite me, Malfoy.", I spat at him before walking to Lockhart's class for DADA.

"I'm gonna get him one day, Mione, I promise.", I told Hermione. In DADA, Lockhart said we were going to answer questions based on his books. I read them, so I thought I wasn't going to have any problems. But the questions were all about him. I should've know. I hated this guy, but Hermione didn't seem to feel the same. I looked at Ron and Harry, though, and they seemed to share my feelings. I tried to copy off Hermione, but she noticed, so I just tried to remember what I read from the books. Then, the idiot we have as a teacher let out a bunch of Cornish Pixies loose and couldn't even put them back. Hermione put them back and called it a "hands-on experience", but I was not enjoying whatever kind of experience it was while I was getting Neville down from the chandelier.


Later, we went to the field to watch Harry practice quidditch, but we saw some people there that we didn't want to see. The slytherin quidditch team was there, and said that Snape let them use the field to train their new seeker. "Well, who's your new seeker?", asked Ron. Guess who the new seeker was. Guess. Go on. DRACO. FREAKING. MALFOY. I'm so tired of this school. I noticed they had new brooms Nimbus 2001s. "My father can afford the best, as you can see.", said Malfoy, bragging. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.", said Hermione. "No one asked your opinion. You filthy little mudblood." That's it. I swung my hand right on his face and slapped him so hard the other side of the yard heard the noise. I immediately put my hand to my face. Oh my god oh my god oh my god what did I just do??? Then, Ron pointed his wand at him. "RON NO-", but before I could warn him, he was on the floor throwing up slugs. The whole slytherin team roared with laughter, but Malfoy just stared at me angrily, and today... I just couldn't look him in the eye.          

We went to Hagrid's hut so Ron could throw up all his slugs. I paced around the room. Hagrid looked at me weird. "Whats's wrong with-" "Draco Malfoy called her a mudblood.", I said finally. Hagrid gasped. "Um.. What does that mean, exactly?", asked Harry. "It's a really foul name for someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me.", said Hermione. "The Malfoy family... They think they're better than everyone else because they are purebloods. But there ain't a spell our Hermione can't do.", said Hagrid softly. I crossed my arms and looked out to his pumpkin patch.


I didn't go to dinner that day. I went to do what the diary told me to do. I don't know what I was doing and I don't know why. But I went at the end of the hallway and wrote something in blood. "The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware." The book is going to help me. He will help me. I quickly left and went to my dorm. And somehow, I let out a giant snake. I felt as if I had no control over myself I wrote to the book. "I did what you asked. Now leave me alone." "But I thought we were friends." I ignored it and quickly put it away when I saw Hermione coming in.

"We need to talk to you. We have an idea."

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