Year 2- I'm no better.

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We were walking to the quidditch pitch to watch Harry play. "So, we're going to disguise ourselves as slytherins using the Polyjuice potion and spy on Draco Malfoy?", I said. "Yes.", said Hermione calmly. "I was going to get you Daphne's but you've made friends with her. So you can be Pansy Parkison." "Hermione, this is wrong."  "Don't you want to find out if Malfoy opened the chamber of secrets?" My hands started sweating, and I started shaking. "Yes...", I said. I lied. I'm a liar. I lied straight to my friend's face. The people who have been nice to me since I met them. Why do I have to be like this? In the game, Harry fell off his broom and broke his bone in his arm. Lockhart tried to fix it, and the idiot just erased all his bones? What is the process to hire people in this school, honestly! Harry had to regrow his arm the entire day in the hospital wing.

We went with Harry to the hospital wing. After that, I went outside and Malfoy was standing there. I decided I wanted to apologize for slapping him across the face. Even though he deserved it, I knew where I stood. "Malfoy!", I said. "What do you want?" "I um... I wanted to apologize." He looked at me confused. "For what?", he asked. "For... Slapping you across the face..." We just kinda stared at each other before he said; "But... I called your friend a mudblood. Why are you being so kind to me?", he said before storming off. Why is HE mad at ME? Well, it's better that he is. After all, I am going to spy on him.


"The potion will be ready in two weeks.", said Hermione. "Mhm..", I answered back, as we were going to the new dueling club. Lockhart was teaching us, and Snape was also there. "What are we gonna learn, how to comb our hair? Because it's definitely not how to apply shampoo.", I told Harry which made him laugh. As expected, Snape sent Lockhart flying when he finished boasting about how good he was at dueling. Lockhart tried to play it off as if it were all part of his plan, but I didn't buy it. "He's completely ridiculous!", I told Harry, a little too loud. "Yes, well, why doesn't Ms. Hernandez come up to duel against...", said Lockhart noticing me. "Let's see, Finnigan-" "No no, I think I could suggest someone from my own house. Mr. Malfoy, maybe?", said Snape. Fantastic. (beasts and where to find them lol ok focus) "And Ms. Granger can duel with Ms. Bulstrode." I stepped up and held my wand close to my face. "Don't worry, I'll try not to kill you.", I said, smirking. He chuckled. UMMM... I THOUGHT HE WOULD GET DEFENSIVE why isn't he getting defensive... He seemed to notice my confusion to which he asked; "Scared?" "You wish..." Maintaining eye contact, we bowed our heads. "Now, only disarm your opponent, please." We stepped back and I said "Expelliarmus!", but he blocked it. "Tantallegra!"
"I said disarm only!", said Lockhart, but I couldn't hear him. My adrenaline was pumping. "Finite Incatetum!" "Serpentsortia!", he said, and when I was going to do something to the snake that appeared out of thin air, Harry started... hissing? Everyone cleared out behind him, and he seemed to be talking to the snake. I was confused, and everyone seemed scared. Snape got rid of the snake and Malfoy and I stepped down. "I... disarm... only.", said Snape. I apologized and shot Malfoy an angry glare.

We went back to the Gryffindor common room. "Why didn't you tell us you're a Parselmouth?", asked Ron. "A what?", said me and Harry at the same time. "A person who can speak Parseltongue. Who can talk to snakes.",said Hermione. "Oh... Is that not common...?", asked Harry. "No. Harry, this is bad.", responded Hermione. "Salazar Slytherin was a parselmouth." "Well, that doesn't mean anything.", I said. "Of course I don't think that means anything, but the whole school is going to think he's Slytherin's descendant." This is all my fault. And all because I had to write in the stupid diary. WHO THE HELL IS TOM RIDDLE? "I'm... tired.", I said going up to my dormitory.

I was in my dorm deciding what I should do with the diary. Okay, so I let a giant snake out that is killing people. What can I do to fix it? But before my thought process caught up with me I heard screaming from the hallway. "ANOTHER ATTACK! NO GHOST OR MORTAL IS SAFE! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!", said Peeves. I went out, but there was no one there anymore. "Nearly Headless Nick and Colin Creevey have been petrified.", Ginny Weasley told me. My stomach dropped.

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