Year 1- You can't be serious.

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Back at school, Neville was being worried that he didn't belong in Gryffindor because he was not brave enough. Remembering what my mom told me, I said "Neville, if the Sorting Hat put you in Gryffindor, its because you belong there. Trust me, one day you will prove to everyone how brave you are." Harry agreed, and gasped when in a chocolate frog's card he saw the name "Nicholas Flamel." Then Hermione told us that she heard of the name in a book she read before! We hurried to the library and she pulled out a book and started reading from a page; "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's Stone!" "The Sorcerer's Stone?", I asked, "Isn't that the one that can make the holder immortal, and bring all kinds of riches?" "Yes! That must be what the dog is guarding. Flamel must've asked Dumbledore to keep it safe in Hogwarts!"


There was a pretty important quidditch match today and as we were walking up to the stands I heard Malfoy taunt behind us. "They only choose people they pity for the Gryffindor team. Potter's got no parents. Weasley's got no money. You should join, Longbottom. You've got no brains." As soon as I heard this I stuck my wand under his chin. "One more word. ONE. MORE. WORD, Malfoy..."

"Harry!" Hermione called out, noticing Harry diving for something. "You're in luck, Weasley, Potter's obviously spotted some money on the ground!" We snapped. "Flipendo!", I said, knocking Malfoy over. Ron dove at him, and started wrestling him to the ground. Hermione was paying attention to none of this, but Ron gave Malfoy a black eye. "RON STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" I pulled Ron back and he said

"What? Why do you care? You were the first one to jinx him anyway!" "But now he has a black eye! You two! Take him to the hospital wing!", I told Crabbe and Goyle. 'You can't tell us what to do!" I pointed my wand to them and they took Malfoy to see Madam Pomfrey.

The game ended, and Harry caught the snitch. He went into the locker room and we didn't see him for a while. I went into the hospital wing because Neville was also beaten pretty bad by Crabbe and Goyle. I went in and Madam Pomfrey was in the back. On one side was Neville and on the other was Malfoy holding an ice pack to his eye. I went to Neville to talk to him. "Hey... you doing okay?", I asked, trying to not make him uncomfortable. I wanted to stand up for him. "I'm alright. Madam Pomfrey says ill be fine and I can leave in a few hours." Don't say it. Don't say it. "Neville.. Can I ask you something?" I hate myself. "What is it?"

"Um.. My mom knew your parents. I don't know exactly what happened to them, and you really don't have to tell me, but they're very brave. And I know that you're just like them. Not everyone is what they seem, so don't listen to other people that tell you who you are or who you're supposed to be. You're brave, Neville... Anyways, I brought you a chocolate frog. I'll leave now." As I was about to leave I looked back and realized Malfoy had been staring at me with a mixture of anger and sadness in his eyes. We made eye contact and I turned my back and left.

I caught up with Hermione, Ron, and Harry, who they finally found. "You need to come with me.", said Harry to all of us. He told us about a conversation between Snape and Quirrel he overheard and how he thought Snape was trying to get Quirrel to give him the Sorcerer's Stone. "So... the stone's only safe if Quirrel stands up to Snape?", asked Hermione. "It'll be gone by next Tuesday.", said Ron. I was confused about one thing; "Why would Dumbledore ask someone like Quirrel to guard something so important?" Everyone shrugged in response. However, in the following weeks, Quirrel never seemed to give in to Snape.


EXAMSSSS COMING UP. EXAMS PEOPLE. Hermione made a study planner for the exams, which I gladly followed, but Harry and Ron complained about them. The teachers were also giving out tons of homework. While we were studying in the library, Hagrid came in.

"Yer not still looking for Nicholas Flamel, are yeh?" "No Hagrid, we found out who he is ages ago. We know what the dog is guarding, by the way.", I said. "Well don't go shoutin' 'bout it!", he said before leaving. "Why was he in this section- he's been reading a book about dragons.", I said finding a book he picked up. "He's always wanted one but, you think he's actually trying to breed one? That's against the law...", said Ron.

We went inside Hagrid's hut, which was burning hot. "Hagrid. What's guarding the Sorcerer's Stone apart from Fluffy?", said Harry straightforward-ly. "I don't know and I can't tell yeh." Hermione started hyping Hagrid up so he could tell us something. He started naming names o people that were protecting the stone and he mentioned Snape. "Albus Dumbledore trusts him..." I gave a tiny smile, but I was still very surprised, because all that Harry said seemed legit. I looked around the room and saw a black egg underneath the kettle. I knew instantly what it was. "Hey, Hagrid. I have a question.", I said. "What is it?"

"Is there a particular reason why you're trying to hatch a dragon in your wooden home?" Hagrid nervously explained where he got it and how he planned to take care of it. "Wonder what its like to have a peaceful life.", said Ron.


The egg hatched. It was a Norwegian Ritchback. It was not safe for Hagrid to have him. Me and Harry gave each other an agreeing look before I said; "Look, Hagrid. This is what's gonna go down." "Hagrid, you have to give Norbert away. Ron, write to your brother. He takes care of Dragons." As Harry was talking, I spaced out, as I usually do, and saw a face in the window. It was Malfoy. I snapped back. "Look!", I said just before he ran back to the castle. That can't be good.


It was time to say goodbye to Norbert. We snuck up to the astronomy tower when Charlie took him. Ron didn't come with us, because he was in the hospital wing because Norbert bit him in the hand. We were going to go back when we were caught by Filch. We're dead. We're so dead. We've broken at least a dozen school rules. After this I am going to just pack my bags. Professor McGonagall was being led by Neville. "I was going to warn you guys!-", he exclaimed. "Thank you, Neville.", I said, apologetically. Why did he have to be dragged in this mess? Of course, Malfoy went up behind her with a smirk planted on his face. I was so mad I wanted to cry. In fact, it took all that was in me not to. "I can't believe you fed Draco Malfoy some silly story about a dragon. And Neville believed it too.", said McGonagall, leaving us all shocked. Malfoy looked deeply offended, and Neville just looked confused.

"50 points each will be taken from Gryffindor." WHA- I- WHA- 200 POINTS- Goodbye, Hogwarts. "The five of you will serve detention tomorrow night in the Forbidden Forest. Malfoy snickered before he stopped abruptly. "Five?", he asked. "Yes. If I'm not mistaken, you were also out of bed, Mr. Malfoy. You will serve detention with the rest of them." Helooked so offended that he got caught like this. The fact he got detention as well did not make me as happy as I expected it to.

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