Year 5- My mother in the order.

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My father was spending the summer in Miami with his side of the family and he would be back next summer. As for me and my mom, things changed a bit. Of course she believed that Voldemort was back, and we were not safe in our home. So, my mom decided to tell me the real reason that she knew so many aurors. She was one herself, and she was part of a group called the Order of the Phoenix. They fought against Voldemort in the first war, with Harry and Neville's parents and a lot of other people. I packed my stuff and got in the car. We got to this grim-looking building and it spread apart for us to go through. We went inside and some lady in the portrait screeched about half-bloods. "Sorry... That's my mother." I looked up and saw Sirius Black sitting at a table. Next to him was my old Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin. "Professor Lupin!", I said excitedly. "Oh, Talia, I'm not your professor anymore. Please call me Remus." "Right... Sorry Remus. And hello Sirius." He nodded. Then I saw the Weasleys and Hermione come in. I hugged them all. "It's so great to see you guys!", I said. Molly gave me and my mother a huge bear hug. "Moony! Padfoot!", my mom said before hugging both Sirius and Remus, then Molly and Arthur. Then I noticed other people were there too. There was this girl named Nymphadora Tonks, who did not like being called by her first name, and Alastor Moody. I was  a bit uneasy at first because a death eater passed off as him last year and pretended to be my professor, but people assured me that it was really him. Tonks was really nice. And funny, she morphed her face into all sorts of different things. My mom told me to go to my room to unpack. I was staying with Hermione and Ginny.

While I was unpacking I asked, "Does anybody know where Harry is?" Hermione said no, and that nobody had been sending him letters because Dumbledore made them swear not to tell him anything. Classic Dumbledore, but I still didn't send him anything. I was going to send a letter to my dad, but I don't think muggles in Miami expect to see a snowy owl flying around carrying parchment. Being in Grimmauld Place was kinda fun. But then again, we had to be here because the most dangerous dark wizard of all time was after us, and Kreacher, the house elf, was calling Hermione a mudblood. Every time she stopped me from kicking him, but I returned that glare that he gave. Hermione was still on about S.P.E.W, which I totally supported, but Kreacher was a little tyke.  I did see my mother turn into a white fox, though. Apparently she was friends with Remus, Sirius, Harry's parents, and the one we don't talk about when they were in school, but she mostly hung out with Molly. I didn't want to celebrate my 15th birthday because everyone was so preoccupied with everything else, but Molly and my mom made sure to bake a cake for me. I wonder how Draco was doing. I got a little nervous because his parents were known to be death eaters. I don't know how im gonna ask him about it though. Fred and George were popping up all over the place to annoy everyone now that they could apparate.


A few days after my birthday we found out they were going to bring Harry! He also had to go to court for performing a patronus charm and he could be expelled from Hogwarts, but he had Dumbledore on his side, right? I was with Ron and Hermione when Harry walked in. "Harry!" Hermione and I went to hug him. He was very mad that we didn't send him letters, and we tried to explain that Dumbledore prevented us from telling him. They didn't let us in the meetings of the order, so we used an extendable ear that Fred and George made to hear. I was complaining about the Ministry of Magic's ignorance towards Voldemort's return. "They can't just pretend its not there! It'll be worse! The ministry is supposed to help and now they're against us? I mean-" "I know, Talia.", said my mother. "The Order is fighting against it." Sirius was telling Harry about something that Voldemort was out to get, but Molly protested against it. "Voldemort really bold for someone who looks like el cucuy.", I mumbled.

After we got all our books for school, we found out Hermione and Ron had been made prefects. I would've liked to be a prefect, but Hermione did deserve it much more.

Today was finally the day we were going back to school. Sirius went with us in his dog form, which was absolutely insane but that's Sirius, I guess. When we got on the train, Draco opened the door to our compartment. "Heyyy Talia~", he said. "What do you want, Malfoy?", said Harry. "Woah, calm down there, Potter. I'm a prefect now.", said Draco, showing off his prefect badge. "Pfft, who made you a prefect?", I joked. "Well, I'd like to say they know what they're doing but they also made pugface a
prefect. How come you're not in Azkaban, Potter?" "Draco!", I said, surprised. "Only joking...", he said suspiciously and walked away. Hermione made her 'I told you so!' face. Harry seemed very tense. He said something was pulling the carriages, but I always thought they were pulled on their own. On the carriage was a blonde girl I didn't know. She was reading a magazine upside down. "You're not going mad.", she said in a spacey, calm voice. "I can see them too. You're just as sane as I am." I smiled at her. "Everyone this is loony-..... Luna Lovegood.", said Hermione. Did she just- "Hello, Luna! I'm Talia. Nice to meet you.", I said. "I like your necklace." "Thank you. It's a charm. Keeps away the nargles." "What are nargles?", I asked. Everyone looked at us like we were insane, but Luna made a lot of sense. She was so nice. I'll make sure to talk to her much more often.

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