Year 1- Christmas

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One day after potions, Malfoy was talking about Hagrid's hut to Ron and how "it's a palace compared to what you're used to, Weasley." Is he TRYING to get me in trouble? Before Ron could, I pointed my wand at Malfoy and before I could hex him, Snape came in and took five points from Gryffindor, only because Hagrid wanted to convince him that Malfoy was provoking us.

"Talia, can I talk to you?", said Harry. "Yeah, sure, what's up?" "Well, I just wanted to explain what's been going on. So, when we went out, like we told you, we found a three-headed dog that was guarding something. Then at the quidditch match, Hermione saw Snape concentrating on me, which meant he was probably the one messing up my broom." I gasped. Snape was bad, but I didn't think he'd actually do that. "Of course, Hermione stopped him by distracting him. Anyways, we want to know what the dog is guarding. We talked to Hagrid, and he let something slip about a Nicholas Flamel. We're going to the library to find out about him. Come with us.", he explained. "Wow.. Thank you Harry. Yeah, I'll go." "No problem. You're our best friend."

At the library, we couldn't find any books on Nicholas Flamel, even though we looked everywhere. Kind of suspicious if you ask me. Its like the reason why was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was Christmastime, but Ron and Harry were staying at Hogwarts. I was going back home, and even though I had been writing letters to my parents, I had so much to tell them. My parents picked me up from the train station and I started talking to them about so many things that happened. How me and Hermione, Ron, and Harry were best friends... Although the detention with Snape and the part about Nicholas Flamel might've slipped.. My mom could help but I felt like I shouldn't. When we got home, my mom decided to mention the detention.

"So... I heard you got detention.", my mom said in a calm voice. Oh no. "Who is the potions master?" "Professor Severus Snape." There was a silence before my mom burst out laughing. Confused would be an understatement for what I was feeling. "Oh! Oh, im sorry...", she said between laughs. "SNAPE became a professor?" "Uh.. yeah?" "Oh, don't worry, I just knew him when I went to Hogwarts. We were in the same year. He was very odd." "Is that the one that never used shampoo?", asked my dad. "He still never uses it.", I said, which made my mom laugh again.

"Although I should ask, why did you get detention." "He called this shy boy, in my house, Neville Longbottom, an idiot because he dropped his potion-... Mom?" My mother's face dropped. "The Longbottoms?", asked my dad, looking concerned at my mom. "I knew the Longbottoms very well. Something terrible happened to them, worse than death, because of a death eater... I don't know if I should tell you this. Im sure poor Neville isn't ready for everyone to know.", confessed my mom.

I felt bad for Neville, whatever happened to his parents, but I nodded and decided to keep telling my mom about school. "Oh, and there's this boy, who's only purpose in life is to torment people." "Who?", asked my dad. "His name is Draco Malfoy." My mom choked on her coffee. "Malfoy. I went to school with him too, Draco's father I think, he was four grades above me. Death eaters. Now that I think about it, Severus became a death eater as well. But, he went to our side much before Voldemort vanished, and Albus Dumbledore trusts him. He's in slytherin, right?

"Yes, but-"

"See. I told you. Aw, im so glad youre in Gryffindor with all your friends. Especially Harry Potter. He must be a wonderful influence." I nodded, knowing full well he was the one who acted out the most. But whatever, he got away with it.


On Christmas day, I celebrated with my family. I was an only child, and I usually got two presents or more because of family friends. From my mom, I got a sweater that changes colors according to how you want it to look. From my dad, I got the muggle book ''Anne of Green Gables''. I loved it. Even though I love the wizarding world, I wanted to keep in touch with my muggle side as well. From my French aunt, Rose, I got a sunset colored flag that can wave inside your house even though there's no air. I wish they'd come, I love to spend time with my cousin. We drank hot chocolate and danced to Christmas music from both sides of the world. My mind went back to how I was going to help my friends with Nicholas Flamel.

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