Year 3- Fine, you can remember.

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When we went into Defense Against the Dark Arts, we noticed Professor Lupin was back. "Professor!", I said excitedly. Why am I so emotionally attached to this teacher I HAVE a father. The class exploded with complains about Professor Snape. "Don't worry, you don't have to do the essay.", said Lupin. We had a very enjoyable lesson about hinkypunks.

We went to Hogsmeade, without Harry, because he didn't have permission. When we got there, I went to the Three Broomsticks with Daphne and sat down to drink a butterbeer. "I think I'm about to throw up...", said Daphne. "Did you eat the sweets for vampires from Honeydukes again?", I asked. She nodded and ran straight for the bathroom. Then, Draco came in. He ordered a butterbeer and sat down where Daphne was sitting. "That seat's taken.", I said. "I don't see anyone in it.", he responded. I looked at him. "Can you stop being mad at me?", he asked. "Fine, Draco. Unless you give me a real reason to be mad, I'll be nice to you." He looked nervous "Alright.", he finally said. Then he handed me a box of Bertie Botts Beans and I picked out a random one. "Hm.. Cherry!", I said. He picked another and immediately spit it out onto a napkin. "THAT WAS GRASS THAT WAS GRASS", he whined, and I started dying of laughter. He smiled at me. Daphne came out of the bathroom. "Okay, I'm good now. Anyways, lets go to Honeydukes.", she said. "Daph, you just vomited out sweets from Honeydukes.", I told her. "Yes, that's why I need to get the right ones now." We went with Draco to Honeydukes and while Daphne was distracted with something else, I went to talk to Ron and Hermione. "What's he doing here?", said Ron, referring to Malfoy. "Not very friendly, eh, Weasley?" "Draco!", I said. He backed off and went to prevent Daphne from buying dog treats. Then, Harry snuck up behind us. "Oh hey Ha- HARRY?", I said, shocked. "Shh, keep your voice down.", he said. Then he told us about something called the Marauder's Map. "Harry, you must turn that in!", said Hermione. "Mione, he can't do that. But, Harry, you have to be careful... Black is out there...", I said. "Fred and George were so generous to give you that Harry..." Hermione giggled. "Guess you're getting along with my brothers?", said Ron. "Ron, you idiot! She fancies George!", shrieked Hermione. Harry and Ron's face dropped. "Hermione! Keep your voice down!", I said. "Why is it always my siblings?", said Ron. "Well, there's just so many to choose from~", I said laughing.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to the Three Broomsticks and I sat on a bench outside. Draco sat down next to me and looked in front of him, while I was reading a biography about Newt Scamander, my idol. "Nice book.", he said suddenly. I laughed lightly. "Thanks... I really like him... I want to be a magizoologist...", I said. "I've seen you in Care of Magical Creatures..." He looked at me. "Animals seem to like you. For me... I wanted to be an auror." "I think you'd make a great auror, Draco." "You do?" "Yeah..." We sat in silence for a few moments. "Think about the future a lot?", I asked. "Not really. I'd like to be an auror. I also want two kids, a boy and a girl, and I love France, so going to Paris on vacations would be nice...", he said. "So much for 'not really'... But that sounds amazing. Paris is lovely.", I said. Then, the little bubble we were in was suddenly popped when I saw Hermione and Ron running after nothing. "I'm gonna go... Bye..", I said to Draco and went after them. 

I caught up with them and Harry sat on a rock taking off his invisibility cloak. "He was their friend...", he said and started crying. "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!... I hope Black comes and finds me... cause when he does, I'll be ready. When he does, I'm gonna kill him."


After the holidays, we went to see Hagrid, who was in distress. We found out that Lucius Malfoy got Buckbeak sentenced to death. At the day of Buckbeak's execution we went to watch from above, when we saw Draco Malfoy standing there, watching as well. "It was YOU!", shrieked Hermione. "How dare you! You- You foul, loathsome evil little cockroach!" She pointed his wand at him. "Hermione, STOP!", I said. Then, she punched him straight in the face. "DRACO!", I screamed as he ran away. "Why do you care so much?", Ron asked me. We went down to comfort Hagrid about Buckbeak. Suddenly, a pot Hagrid had just broke. Out of nowhere. Then something hit Harry in the head. Is someone throwing pebbles at us? We didn't see much of it and we saw the executioner come, so we went out the back door. We watched from above to see them do it. I couldn't look, so I hid my face in Harry's chest.

Scabbers bit Ron, and he ran after him when he reached the Whomping Willow. We saw a big black dog chasing after him and pulling him into the tree. "It's the Grim!", screamed Ron as he was pulled in. The tree started fighting us as we tried to get in after him. It almost crushed Harry and made Hermione fly around on its branches. We dropped inside the tree and I landed on top of Harry, accidentally straddling him. (ew i know shush) We found a weird room inside the tree. We finally found Ron. Hermione ran up to him and hugged him. "It's him! He's the dog!", he shrieked. Then, we saw standing there Sirius Black, followed by a trail of paw prints. "He's an animagus...", I said. Harry launched at him. Harry had him pinned, when Professor Lupin came and launched Harry's wand out of his hand. "Well, well, Sirius, looking rather mad...", said Lupin. "You'll know all about madness, Remus..." Then, they hugged each other. All of our jaws dropped. Professor Lupin was in an alliance with Sirius Black? "I trusted you!", said Hermione. I looked at her. "He's a werewolf.", I said. Remus and Sirius talked about killing someone. Then, Remus gave him his wand. "You're going to let him kill Harry?", I said. "YOU BETRAYED THEM! MY PARENTS!", said Harry. "No, Harry. It wasn't him. It was Peter Pettigrew. He's not dead, he's right there.", Lupin pointed in the direction of Scabbers. Snape came in, and Harry knocked him aside and demanded explanations of Peter Pettigrew. "His rat!", said Black. Then, he grabbed Scabbers and he turned into a fat, mousy-looking man. Fitting. Then all was clear. Sirius Black didn't betray Harry's parents, Peter Pettigrew did. Then, me and Hermione came up with an idea on how we could save Sirius and Harry. But first, we had to get out. Then, I had to talk to Draco.


We  got out of the Whomping Willow. Then, we realized it was a full moon. We saw Professor Lupin transform into his werewolf form. Snape went in front to cover us, and I saw someone creep from the shadows. Draco ran in front of me to pull me from our teacher. Where did YOU come from? And I thought you were a wimp. "Draco?" Sirius ran after Lupin in his dog form, and Harry went after them while we all stood there. I was in complete shock, and I knew we were in massive trouble with Snape. We went to find Harry and he was very much passed out in the woods.

We went to the hospital wing to tell Harry what they're going to do to Sirius, give him the dementor's kiss. I dragged Draco along everywhere. He didn't complain since this whole thing was essentially his fault. "Your time turner, Hermione.", I said. "What?" "You have a time-turner?", asked Draco. "Talia, we can't have him here! Now he knows everything." "We'll just obliviate him later.", I suggested. "WHAT?", said Draco alarmingly. "Wait... Are you going to use the time turner to save Black?", he said. "Yes. And we can save Buckbeak too.", I said. Dumbledore came in, and we all gasped. "I think you must follow through with this plan. Immediately.", he said. "Wait a minute. What the hell is a time turner?", asked Harry. "It's how I've been getting to all my classes this year. I've been going back in time. Talia figured it out." Hermione looked to Ron at the hospital bed. "Sorry, Ron. You can't come with us... Does he have to come?", she said, gesturing to Draco. "Yes.", I replied simply. We held on to her time-turner and suddenly the room started spinning.

We went to Hagrid's first. We watched Hermione punch Draco again, which Draco did not find very enjoyable. We hid behind a patch of pumpkins. When no one was looking, I pushed Draco to the front and he pulled Buckbeak away while I lured him with food. "Okay, you're useful, whatever.", Hermione told Draco. "Okay... time to save Sirius... Somehow.", I said. We saw Lupin turn into a werewolf again, and Hermione called him, like a psychopath, so he went after us. Buckbeak scared him off and we went to find Sirius. He was being fought by the dementors, and Harry cast a spell that made a silvery stag come from his wand and that made the dementors disappear. The patronus charm.

We saved Sirius, and he took Buckbeak, or Witherwings, as he was named now, and they escaped. Nobody knew where Sirius was going to be. I took Draco aside and sat with him, taking out my wand. "You're really going to obliviate me?", he asked. "Would you be quiet? I'm contemplating the fact of whether I have a choice or not...", I said. After a while of looking down at my feet I looked into his blue-grey eyes. "Can you keep a secret?", I said. He smiled and nodded.


We found out that Professor Lupin quit. This was the worst news ever, because he was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we'll ever have probably. So I was pissed, but this summer I sent a lot of letters to Draco. He sounded pretty cold in his letters, and unlike himself, but at least I knew how he was doing.

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