Year 4- Well, consider it!

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Today was the day people were going to put their names In the Goblet of Fire. We saw Cedric put his in. I sat down next to Hermione. Fred and George came in. They were going to use an age potion. I scoffed at the idea. "It's not going to work~", said Hermione. Fred crouched next to her, while George was next to me. His face was awfully close to mine, and I stared at his lips before snapping out of it and saying, "Dumbledore-Um..." Como se llama esa mierda? "DESIGNED that age line himself. A simple age potion isn't going to work.", I said, distracted by George's eyes. Of course, they did not listen and did it anyway, which turned them into old men. They started fighting and Hermione and I rolled our eyes. "Told you!", I shouted. Then, we saw Viktor Krum put his name in. He had a dark and threatening aura to him. I saw Hermione stare at him. I nudged her shoulder, and she ignored me.

When it was time to choose the champions Dumbledore called out the names. For Beauxbatons, it was a beautiful sleek blonde haired girl named Fleur Delacour. Amelie was friends with her sister, Gabrielle, and she would not shut up over how cool Fleur is. For Durmstrang, it was Viktor Krum. And for Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory. We thought it was over, but Dumbledore called one last name. "Harry Potter!" Oh, you cannot be serious. He awkwardly got up and walked to the front. I was confused because I know he didn't put his name in. Harry didn't look for trouble. Most of the time trouble found him. Yet I could see Ron was stupid angry at him. Harry went to where all the champions were gonna do something, I don't know, but before I went to the dormitories that night I went to talk to Draco. "Hey, Dray!", I called when I saw him. "Hey, Lia. Haven't seen you since the World Cup." "Speaking of... Is everything alright? We saw the... The thing in the sky.." "Yes.", he said simply before smiling and walking away. Ooookay... That was weird. Anyways, I went to my dormitories to sleep and checked my bags daily, as I have done since year two ended. Poor Harry.

We went to classes and the champions kept being pulled away. I kept talking to Draco and he kept acting like he wanted to say something. "Draco, is everything alright?", I asked him. "Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?", he said. He stared at me for a bit too long. Ron was pouting because he was still mad at Harry.
"Talia, come on!" "No, Hermione I'm not going to talk FOR Ron." "Fine. Come on, Ginny." I was in the common room and I was pretty bored, so I decided I was going to go to the slytherin common room to hang out with Daphne. I went over there when I realized I had to think about the password. "Oh yeah.", I sighed. "Pureblood." The door swung open and I saw Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and Draco in the common room. "Ugh, what are you doing here, Gryffindor?", said Pansy. She scooched closer to Draco and he was moving so far from her she almost fell off the couch. I ignored her and looked to the right. There I saw Daphne sitting at the table. She looked up to me. "Talia! Come on, lets go to my dorm.", she said. She took me up to her dorm and we sat on her bed to talk. "Just ignore Pansy. She hates everyone that isn't a pureblood slytherin, to be quite honest... Ah wait, come. We should paint our nails. I left my stuff down in the common room." When we got to the common room we heard Draco say; "Pansy, personal space!" I giggled in their direction. Then Draco got off the couch, making Pansy fall down, and went up to us. "What are you guys doing?", he asked. "We're...", Daphne started. "Draco, we need to go to your dorm right now." His eyes widened. "Um... Why?" "We have to. Come on!!" I was confused, but then I realized. He reluctantly took us to his dorm, which was very nice. I knew his father would give him anything, so he gave him a private dorm with his own bathroom and everything. Daphne opened her bag. "Uhh... What are you doing?" I grabbed Draco's hands. "We're painting your nails!", I said.

"NO. NO YOU ARE NOT." "Draco, please!!" "N-no!!" "We're just gonna paint them black with maybe like a happy face.", said Daphne. "Please?", I said. "Fine.", he gave in. I started painting his nails black, and painting one finger yellow with a black happy face. "That looks ridiculous." "Shut it." I looked at his hand for a while. "You have really nice hands.", I told him. "Oh, uh, thanks." Daphne gasped abnormally, and I looked at her, but it wasn't very different of Daphne to do these type of things. I stared at his hands for a while, he really did have nice hands. "OKAY WE HAVE TO GO TALIA I NEED TO TALK TO YOU IMMEDIATELY.", said Daphne and pulled me back to her dorm. "What's up with you?", I said. "TALIA- What's your middle name?" "Uh.. Anastia?", I said. "TALIA. ANASTASIA. HERNANDEZ... Draco Malfoy has a crush on you!" My jaw dropped. I felt my face turn red. "Absolutely not! He only likes pureblood slytherins-" "Nuh uh. He likes you. You're confident, not afraid of what people say about you, you wear eyeliner-" "Literally what does that have to do with anything?" "THE POINT IS HE LIKES YOU." "No way, Daph. It took me a while to become his friend, and I'm not gonna ruin it. I never considered him that way and besides I like George!" "Listen, hun, I have a LIST of people who might have a crush on you, but you and Draco are going to end up together. Mark. My. Words. Plus, he let you paint his nails. Draco Malfoy. Let you paint his nails." I laughed. "Whatever you say, Daph. If Pansy found out we had this conversation she would make my life a living hell." "Pfft you're not scared of Pansy." "No. I'm not. But Draco does not like me!", I said. I went back to my dorm, still in complete disbelief.

Hermione came back in, frustrated. "Is everything okay?", I asked. "Just Ron and Harry.", she said with a big sigh. "What did you do today?", she asked me. "Oh um... I went to hang out with Daphne..." "The slytherin? I told you they're all trouble!" "Hermione, she's anything but! She's lovely!" "That is hard to believe. Well, as long as you don't hang out with Draco Malfoy." I laughed awkwardly. "Oh my God, you did, didn't you?" "He's not as bad as you think-" "He's Draco Malfoy, Talia!" "I'm sorry, Hermione but he's my friend! He's nice to me!" "Nice to you? That's rich. Something terrible is going to happen, and you're going to regret talking to him." "Hermione, for once, why can't you just have a little of an open mind? This is why you didn't get in Ravenclaw. Your mind is so closed all you care about is what you can clearly see there! Why cant you just consider that people aren't what they seem?", I said. I didn't want to be mean to my friend but what else could I do? "I'm-" "I'm sorry.", she said. "No, I should be sorry. You're being reasonable and just looking out for me..." "If.. If you say Draco Malfoy is your friend then.. Then I believe you.. I still don't know about him, though." "I understand. Thanks..." "Of course.", she said. And we went to sleep. "By the way, Talia. There are house elves working in the kitchens as slaves. Wanna join S.P.E.W? It's an organization I made to free them. People think its ridiculous." "People are making fun of you for trying to free house elves? Girl, gimme a badge."

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