Year 2- The diary.

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This summer has been fun. It was my birthday on July 24, which I spent with my parents. My parents are worried because of what happened with Professor Quirrel last year, but everything went well so far. I had been sending letters to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but Harry wasn't responding. I thought that he decided he didn't want to be my friend anymore, but Ron and Hermione said he wasn't responding to them either, which made me feel slightly better. I had went to Ron's house once during summer, and Hermione's house a few times. Apparently, her mom is my dad's dentist! I got a letter from Ron that said he, Fred, and George were going to bust him out of his aunt and uncle's house, which was good, because we were all starting to get worried. They're probably going to execute the plan in not a very smart way, but it'll work out. It always does. I eventually got a letter from Ron that said that Harry was staying in their house for the rest of the summer. I knew it.

It was the time of year again to go to Diagon Alley to get what I need for the school year. I saw Harry and Ron with the rest of the Weasleys there, and Molly gave me a huge bear hug. I also saw Hermione with her parents. We all went into Flourish and Blotts, and someone apparently famous was there selling his books. "Mom, who is that?", I asked. "His name is Gilderoy Lockhart, sweetie. He writes books based off of his discoveries and whatnot.", said my mother. I noticed a bunch of witches were swooning at the sight of him. The list of books to get included all of Lockhart's books, so we bought them and when we were about to leave I noticed Harry standing next to Lockhart. He announced that he was going to have Harry take all his books for free. I realized he wanted to get clout from Harry, and I didn't think much of it.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?", I heard from a familiar voice. Oh no. "Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page." I stepped closer to them and Ginny, Ron's little sister said. "Leave him alone." I stepped in, saying "He didn't ask for all that!" Malfoy looked at me angrily. "Potter, control your girlfriends." Harry and Ginny went scarlet, and so did I. With rage. "Excuse me-" "Now now, Draco play nicely.", said a man with long blond hair putting his walking stick harshly on Malfoy's shoulder. It must be his father. He started insulting Arthur Weasley about his money, and as angry as I was he was doing that, the more I felt empathy for Draco. All of a sudden, Mr. Weasley threw himself at Draco's father and Hagrid had to come in and stop them. My mother watched all of this with a smile on her face, while my father just looked shocked. We ate at the Leaky Cauldron and started talking about our summer. Then, the Weasleys left with Harry back home and the Grangers went to the muggle street while we went back to our own house.


It was time to go back to Hogwarts. I crossed the platform and went on the train. There was no sight of Harry or Ron anywhere. I was passing by compartments when I saw Malfoy sitting in one by himself. Don't do it. I opened the door and said "and where might your 'bodyguards' be?", I asked. You're so impulsive. He scoffed. "I dunno. Where are your goons?" "I dunno- I mean hey! They're not goons!" He laughed. But the laugh was different. It wasn't like the laugh he did when he was making fun the Weasleys. It sounded like he was actually just joking around. Weird. "i-.. See you.", I said before quickly going to the compartment where Hermione was sitting. "There you are!", she said, relieved. "Have you seen Harry and Ron?" "No, I haven't. Where could they possibly be?" "I don't know. Well, sit down. I bought some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans." We ate them, I got a grass flavored one. Not pleasant. "I'll be back.", I said. I went out to find Daphne. She was sitting in a compartment with two other slytherin girls. "Talia!", she said before running up to hug me. "Hey Daph! Can I talk to you?" "Sure." "Ugh...", said one of the slytherin girls. She had short black hair. Excuse me? "Fine, Pansy. I guess we'll leave.", said Daphne. We went outside the compartment to talk. "Sorry, she hates everyone that's not a slytherin. Don't know why I talk to her really. And she seems to have it out for you. Anyways, what's up?" "Um...I was wondering if you know Draco Malfoy well. Is he a jerk to you as well?" She looked at me suspiciously. "Well, if you really want to know, he's mean to everyone. To slytherin pure-bloods, he respects but... No one is really his friend. Crabbe and Goyle only talk to him because his dad is pretty important, I guess.", said Daphne. See? He's a jerk. You don't have to feel bad for him anymore. But I did. Whatever, next time he's mean to my friends I'll see why he doesn't deserve for me to feel bad for him. "Hey, I gotta go, I'd hate to leave Millicent with Pansy again.", Daphne said. "Oh! Yeah, see you later!", I said and went back with Hermione.

When we got to school, there was still no sight of Harry or Ron, even during the sorting, where we welcomed Ginny to our house, or the feast. Someone was saying they weren't here because the flew a car, but that's ridiculous and stupid. So I wouldn't put it past them. Hermione and I were going back to the common room where we finally saw them. "Where have you two been?", said Hermione. "Someone said you'd been expelled for crashing a flying car-" "Well, we didn't get expelled.", said Harry. "YOU ACTUALLY FLEW A CAR HERE?", she said. "Wattlebird.", I said, as the portrait flung open and let us enter the common room. "Harry, don't tell Hermione, but that was kinda awesome. Stupid, but awesome.", I said before going up to my dorm to sleep.

When I got to my dorm, I noticed a book that was in my bag. I don't remember buying this. It was a black leather book. When I opened it, there was no words. I decided to mess around with it, so I wrote; "Heyyy". And??? It wrote back??? "Hello.", said the book. "I see you have found my diary." ??? "I'm Talia. Who are you?" "My name is Tom Riddle. You can speak to me if you'd like." "Well... I can at least tell you more about myself. I go to Hogwarts.. I'm a Gryffindor..." "I went to Hogwarts as well. I was in slytherin. But please, don't use that against me." "I would never! You know, I really think the prejudice against slytherins should stop." "Thank you for understanding. Can you do me a favor?" "Sure. What is it?"

Then he told me to do something I would always regret.

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