Year 5- Who you are and what you do.

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Somehow Umbridge had to find out about Dumbledore's Army, but we were going to do it anyway. We found the Room of Requirements, which was exactly what we needed. Draco was going to be in the 'Inquisitorial Squad', but he was in D.A now. His choice. His father would not be happy about it but... There are some things his father will not hear about...

Harry taught us a number of spells. Neville was having trouble with his spells, so I went to talk to him. "Neville... What did Ollivander about your wand when you got it?", I asked. "Oh, um..I didn't get my wand at Ollivander's. It's my dad's old wand.", he responded shyly. "That's it, then." "What?" "I don't know what happened to your parents, but... If you let go of the past, the future will be much brighter." He didn't say anything. "The wand chooses the wizard.", I said, finally.

"It's like Harry thinks we don't know any of this.", mumbled Draco to me. "Did you?", I asked. He didn't say anything. "Exactly."

Not to brag, but I was doing great. I nailed the disarming spell and the stunning spell the first try. I did jinx Draco in my second year. When Neville finally took my advice and got a new wand, he successfully disarmed Parvati. When we were practicing the Patronus Charm was when I had trouble. "Expecto Patronum! Ugh, why isn't it working?", I complained. Draco couldn't do it either. "You have to think about a happy memory.. And let that feeling fill you up.", advised Harry. The happiest memory I had... Well, there's when I met Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I looked at Draco and he was smiling at me. I love his smile. "Expecto Patronum.", I said with a swish of my wand and a silvery peacock exerted from it. "Woah. Now that is majestic." Then, Draco did the same and a dragon came out of his. "WOAH!", I exclaimed. "Wicked.", he mumbled. After the meeting, I was walking back to my dorm with Draco. "For the Patronus thing... I thought of you. You know, last year when we were sitting on the floor and I kissed you..", he said. I smiled. "Well, I thought of you too.", I said and kissed him.

I was sleeping, but Hermione woke me up. "What do you WAN-" "Talia! Harry had a dream. Mr. Weasley is in trouble." I went down to the common room and found Ginny sitting on the couch. "Ginny! What happened", I asked her. "It's dad... He's in St. Mungo's."


Before the holidays, we visited St. Mungo's hospital. Arthur was going to be fine, and we also saw Lockhart there which was pretty awkward. Then we found Neville. He was visiting his parents. Then I found out that they were tortured by a death eater named Bellatrix Lestrange. They were driven out of their minds. They don't know who they are, or who anyone is. I hated that such a great guy like Neville had to go through this. None of this is fair. My rage and hatred for Voldemort grew every day.

Christmas was actually pretty enjoyable in Grimmauld Place. I missed my dad, but the people that I was surrounded with were my family. I found a room with the entire Black family tree. I saw Narcissa, Draco's mom there. Her sisters were Andromeda and....Bellatrix. Andromeda was crossed out because she married a muggleborn, and so was Sirius. Anyone would be appalled that Draco was related to Bellatrix, but these circumstances didn't make him any worse. I just felt worse for him. That he had to live in this family when he clearly was so much better. I wish Draco met Sirius once. They're very similar. Why can't anyone see that?


While in a D.A meeting, we felt the room collapsed. Then I knew we had been caught. "Who snitched?", asked someone. "Probably one of the Slytherins.", murmured someone else. "Dude, Crabbe is literally next to Cho's friend. Are you blind?", I whispered loudly. We were taken to Dumbledore's office, and he took the blame for creating the organization. He was going to be taken to Azkaban and then he just disappeared, with such style and poise, I was astonished. With Dumbledore gone, what were we supposed to do? Umbridge ruined everything.


In the common room, I was thinking of ways to murder Umbridge, when I saw Fred and George moping. Then it hit me. I sat in the couch between them. "GUYS. I know what we can do about Umbridge!", I told them. "What?", they said synchronized. "...Do you still have those fireworks?"


Today we were taking our O.W.Ls. I heard rumbling and smiled from ear to ear, which made Umbridge uncomfortable. "That's them.", I whispered to Hermione. All of a sudden, Fred and George came in on their brooms and set fireworks all over the Great Hall, making everything fly everywhere. It was beautiful. They sent a giant firework dragon after Umbridge, and destroyed all her rules, taking the wall with them. They left the school on their brooms and painted a giant "W" in the sky, with a little peacock drawn on the side to give me a little credit. The entire school cheered.

Harry said that he had a vision, like the one with Mr. Weasley, but Voldemort torturing Sirius. We had to make sure, though, so we were going to talk to Sirius through a fire. However, small predicament, the only fireplace connected to the Floo Network was the one in Umbridge's office. So, like the madmen that we are, that's exactly where we went. Draco decided to follow me. "You're crazy if im not going with you while you go on this suicide mission.", he said.

We almost succeeded, but we were caught. The 'Inquisitorial Squad' found Neville, Luna, and Ginny in the hall trying to help us. Umbridge was about to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry, but Hermione stepped in saying that she was going to take her to "Dumbledore's secret weapon." I knew this was just part of her plan. Umbridge, Harry, and Hermione left and I was stuck with the Idiot Squad. When they left, I smashed open a window. "What the hell are you doing?", asked Pansy Parkison. I kicked Crabbe, who was holding me, in the nuts and grabbed my wand. I stunned the rest of the Squad and freed my friends. With my plan, I could only take one person. I grabbed Draco's hand. "Do you trust me?", I said. He nodded. "I plead insanity!", i screamed, and I jumped out the window.

(i left yall on a CLIFFHANGER. haha, get it, cus she jumped? ok.
anyways thank you to everyone who's been reading, and voting my story i appreciate it 😊)

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