Year 2 - The truth about the chamber.

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That's it. I told Hermione that I couldn't drink the Polyjuice potion and spy on Malfoy because I felt sick. More lies. I waited for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to follow Malfoy to the slytherin common room. But Hermione didn't go. Whatever. I grabbed the diary from my dorm and ran straight to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I was usually nice to her, but I couldn't take it anymore so I just threw the diary at her and picked it up to chuck it down the toilet. Suddenly, the bathroom flooded and it took me in. I felt like I passed out, and I was laying on the floor in a place surrounded by water and statues of snakes. Oh no. I felt myself getting weaker, and there was young black-haired boy towering over me. "Tom...Riddle?", I managed to get out. He chuckled "Foolish girl. Find an old book and do what it tells you? Pathetic." Then I felt to slowly pass out again.


I was in there for days and days. I wondered if my friends were worried about me. I wondered if they'd knew what I had done. I was thinking about who else had been almost killed by the snake. Part of me wanted them to hate me. I can't imagine them forgiving me for something like this. I hoped they hate me. And that feeling grew as the days passed. And I was there, laying on the wet stone floor of the chamber of secrets being derived of my energy by someone named Tom Riddle.


After a few days, I heard voices coming from somewhere. I assumed I was hallucinating. But I heard someone speaking Parseltongue and I saw Harry come in. Had I been saved? Why do I have to be saved by the people I betrayed? Why?

"Talia!", he screamed, running towards me. "Please don't be dead..." I wanted to say something. I wanted to help. But I was asleep. I couldn't talk, move, or wake up. I just had to lay there while Harry and Tom Riddle talked. Then, Tom explained to Harry why I was here. "She told me all her troubles... About a boy who was tormenting her. About her lovely friends, wrote about you, she did. She loved me. So, I told her to open the chambers and she did. Regretted it, though. Didn't know what she was doing. Probably drove her mad. Tried to flush the diary down a toilet." He never understood me. Why did I have to trust this book? After he humiliated me and made me lose all my friends, he revealed that he was a memory. Of Lord Voldemort. I helped Lord Voldemort. Then, nothing mattered anymore. I was a terrible person. I just wanted to do something right before I went away from the entire world and disappeared.

Then, a phoenix came in flying through the roof carrying the Sorting Hat. Whatever that was going to do, it'll be more useful than me. Then, the giant basilisk moved and was ordered to kill Harry. Harry was going to die and it was all my fault. Suddenly, the phoenix, who was named Fawks, handed me my wand. I don't know from where it came, but I had it. I didn't have power to do much of nothing, so I decided to aim something at the basilisk, but I accidentally gouged out its eyes. Wait, that can work. However, the basilisk could still hear him, and Harry distracted him by using a wand. I could sense Tom's rage.

Then, Harry took out a majestic sword out of the Sorting Hat. Harry pranced around trying to get away from the basilisk. He finally stuck the sword into it, and it fell to its death. But Harry had a fang in his shoulder. He laid on the floor and I took the fang out of his shoulders. "No... HARRY! NO!", I screamed. Tom Riddle laughed at me. Suddenly, Fawks dove down and let his tears drop on Harry's shoulder. Of course! Phoenix tears have healing powers! Harry stood up and raised his wand at Riddle. I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed the basilisk fang and dove it deep into the diary. I was going to destroy this. I dove it deep in every single page. I noticed that Riddle was slowly fading, and that this was killing him. Then, he faded into nothing.

Then, I started sobbing. Harry sat down next to me. "Harry... It was me. I didn't know how to tell you. I promise I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry!", I said between gasps. "It's alright, Lia. I forgive you.", he told me. I wish he didn't. I wish he hated me. "Riddle is done.", he said looking up.


I found out Hermione had been petrified, which only made me feel worse. But they all said they forgave me. I couldn't believe I had such good friends. Oh my god, mum's gonna ground me for life. I sat in the Gryffindor common room, late at night, and George came in. Weird, he was usually with Fred. "Hey... Talia, right?", he said. I nodded. "Listen... Cheer up. It could've happened to any of us. Just as long as you don't go releasing any other monsters around here, we're good. And hey, you can talk to me and Fred whenever you want, okay?" "Thank you, George." "No problem.", he said, going to his dorm. Oh, would you look at that, I have a crush on George Weasley.


I decided to walk in the hallway, and I just sat down in a corner. I was glad to hear that everyone was fine with being my friends again, but if I heard one more "I forgive you.", I was going to lose it. Not that I didn't appreciate it, I did, I just feel like I didn't deserve to be forgiven. Was it just because I was Harry's friend that people were forgiving me? Why did my friends forgive me? As I was looking down at my feet, someone sat next to me. I didn't want to see who it was, but I could tell.

"What?", I asked him. "I get it.", said Malfoy. "No you don't.", I said. Why am I so mean? "Shut up, I do. I understand what it feels like to be put in a box...", he said, and I just stayed silent. "It must've been hard, huh? Realizing what you were doing and there's no turning back...?", he asked. No one had asked what it was for me. "Yeah... It was." A single tear escaped my eye. He sat next to me in silence and after a while he said; "Do you think... We could be friends?" "Us two?" I responded bitterly. "You called my friend a mudblood..." He made an expression that looked as if he were about to throw up slugs. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I don't know what else to-" "I get it.", I looked at him. "I know who you have to listen to." His face went red and he looked embarrassed. Before he could say anything that would change my mind. "I want to be your friend. I think I could be." And there we were. Two kids alone sitting, thinking things could get better, but not knowing for sure.


When my mom picked me up from the train station she gave me the biggest hug. My mum and dad explained that they were mad at me, but would never hate me just because it had to do with Voldemort. I was grounded, but I was completely fine with it. Next year would be different. It could be worse, but at least it wasn't this year.

(a/n): Hey. This year was not my favorite but it was important to the story. Nonetheless i hope u enjoyed it.

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