Year 3- Do dementors play quidditch?

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I still was not talking to Draco. I avoided him everywhere. After dinner, we were going back to the common room when we saw everyone standing outside the door. "What's going on?", asked Ron. We moved closer to the portrait when we realized that the Fat Lady was gone. I grabbed Harry's arm in fear. We found the Fat Lady in distress in another portrait. "Who did it?", Dumbledore asked calmly. The Fat Lady was still too afraid to talk. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see.", said Peeves the Poltergeist. "Who?", asked Dumbledore again. "Sirius Black.", said Peeves.

"All Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, please!", said Professor McGonagall in a panic. We had to sleep in squashy purple sleeping bags in the Great Hall. "Black might still be in the castle...", whispered Hermione. "Dumbledore definitely thinks so.", said Ron. "How did he even get in?" "Well he couldn't apparate...", said Hermione. "And I'd like to see a disguise that could fool the dementors.", I said. "How do you two know this stuff?", said Ron. "You must read 'Hogwarts: A History', Ronald.", stated Hermione matter-of-factly. Percy called lights out, because he's just sooo important...And I stared at the roof, wondering if the whole school was in danger. Can we have one normal year?


I was walking by the hallway, when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I could feel his cold rings, so I immediately knew who it was. "What do you want, Draco?" "Why do you keep ignoring me?", he said, clearly outraged that's the first thing I've said to him in weeks. "Gee, I don't know, because you're trying to get my friend fired?", I said, scoffing. "It's not my fault! I didn't mean for this to happen! And he's going to do something worse than fire Hagrid. A-and I couldn't tell him not to I just couldn't...", he said. "Draco... Just... Leave me alone? Please?", I said. I walked away from him. I wasn't that mad at him, but I didn't know what to do. What does he mean 'something worse'?

I walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts, thinking it was going to cheer me up, but instead of professor Lupin, it was Snape at the teacher's desk. Are you serious? The one thing I was looking forward to. I sat down in defeat and confusion. 'Where's Professor Lupin?", asked Harry. "He is feeling ill. If I have to ask you to sit down again, Potter, 50 points will be taken from Gryffindor.", said Snape. "Turn to page 394.",he said. (Ugh I loved writing that sentence.) "But sir, we aren't supposed to start werewolves yet.", said Hermione. "Be quiet. And turn to page 394.", said Snape harshly. "Who can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" Hermione raised her hand. "No one? Pity.", said Snape ignoring her. "Sir, we haven't gotten as far as werewolves we already said-", said Parvati before Snape interrupted her; "Silence. And Ms. Granger, stop trying to be an insufferable know it all." I hate this man so much. How do they let him work here? "You asked a question and she tried to answer!", said Ron boldly. "Detention, Mr. Weasley!", called Snape. "The difference is that an animagus is one who chooses to become a certain animal, a werewolf has no choice in transforming." After this long, insufferable class the bell rang. "Two rolls of parchment on werewolves by Monday!", he called as we were leaving the class. "What do you think happened to Professor Lupin?", asked Harry. "And why does Snape have it out for him?", said Ron. "I don't know. But I hope Professor Lupin gets well soon...", answered Hermione.

In the common room that night, I started thinking back on the lesson. Then it hit me. I know why Professor Lupin isn't teaching the class. Ron and Harry were already asleep. "Hermione!" "What?" I sat down next to Hermione on the couch. "Mione... I know why Professor Lupin is 'ill'" "I think I know too...", she said. "Werewolf...", I said, and she nodded. "We cant be sure though, so better not tell rumors.", she said. I agreed.

The next day Gryffindor was playing against Hufflepuff. I slept in, and Hermione was already there. It as pouring and I didn't have an umbrella. I went out to the field when I saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all under a huge umbrella. I tried to walk part them, but Draco pushed them out from under the umbrella and started walking next to me. I was getting soaked, so I didn't say anything and just kept walking. "...Please talk to me...", he whispered. Draco Malfoy? Saying please? Well, it's never gonna happen again, so... I sighed. "Sorry for being rude. But you're not doing anything to fix whatever it is you did.", I said before going to the Gryffindor stands and sitting next to Hermione. We saw Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff seeker, so we gave each other the look~ ;)... I couldn't believe they were playing in this storm. Throughout the entire thing, I was staring at George, occasionally glancing to Harry to see if he found the snitch. It seemed like Cedric and Harry had spotted the snitch, but then Harry dove down. There was at least a 100 dementors. What are they doing there? Suddenly, Harry fell to the ground.

We hurried to the hospital wing to check on Harry. When he woke up, we were all extremely relieved. I hugged him. "Oh, Harry! I thought you died", I said, shaking. I noticed Harry was blushing.  "You fell off.", said Fred. "But what about the match?", asked Harry. "Well, Cedric caught the snitch...", said Fred. "He tried to call it off when he saw you on the ground, but they won. Even Oliver admits it." After the quidditch team left, Harry asked about his Nimbus. Ron showed him his broom, broke in half, past the point where it could be repaired. "It hit the Whomping Willow..", said Ron apologetically.

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