Year 5- Him.

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Draco started screaming, and with a movement of my wand I said "accio broomstick" and right as we were about to hit the ground, my broom swept under us and I flew us up. "THAT WAS YOUR PLAN?", said Draco. I saw Durriyah in the ground and I waved to her and she waved back, super confused. We went down to the broom cupboard and got a bunch of other brooms and gave them to our friends so they could find Harry and Hermione. "Go to Harry and Hermione. Help them.", I told them. "You need to come, Talia.", said Ron. "No.", I stated strictly. "Too many people. You're wasting time, go!" And they left.

I locked the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad and tried to tie them up. "The knot isn't strong enough, here.", said Draco, and he strengthened the knot. "Thanks.", I sighed. "I'm so glad Umbridge is finally gone.",I said. "Me too... Well, what do we do now?", he asked. "I don't know, what is there to do? Everyone in school doesn't seem worried about Umbridge-" "Forget everyone. Come on, lets go. Get your broom.", he told me. Reluctantly I got on my broom and followed him. We flew across the school. I usually never stopped and appreciated how beautiful Hogwarts was. And then there was, Draco, smiling at me, which seemed to outshine the sun that day. "You know, Talia...", he said. "I feel very.. much... for you..." I laughed loudly. "Draco, what does that even mean?", I asked. He made a serious expression. "I just.... It's weird. I want to be by your side, like, all the time. Maybe not literally but..." He laughed lightly. "I want to be by your side on those days that you're uncomfortable with yourself and don't really feel like talking to anyone. Those days that you're mad at the world and at yourself. And I really feel that... How I feel about you isn't going to change on those days. I don't know if you-" "I feel the same way.", I interrupted. "You know..", I said chuckling lightly, " I want to be by your side on Monday mornings when you're tired, and have bags under your eyes and ignore everything in your way to get to coffee or some cliché like that- I'm sorry if that's weird-" "It's not." We stared at each other for a while when he leaned in on his broom and kissed me. "You know, you're really hard on yourself. Like you want to save everyone.", he said. I knew he was right. "I guess that's the Gryffindor in me... Hey, did you know that the hat almost placed me in Slytherin?" "Did it?" "Yeah! But he said I was much more of a Gryffindor, but the Slytherin quality's gonna come out one day.", I said. We were quiet for a while. .He looked at my hand. "Merlin's beard, Talia, what happened?", he said. I looked down at my hand and I still had the scars from Umbridge's detention. "Nothing,its fine." "Lia, I won't ask you again, tell me who did this." "It was Umbridge. In detention. But she's gone now, please... Don't talk about it." He complied and we were quiet again. "Bet you can't catch me!", he said zooming away on his broom. "Hey!", I said flying after him. I wonder how the rest were doing. But there's nothing I could do to help right now. I hope everyone comes back safe.

I was tired, so we went back to hang out in his dorm. Actually I was exhausted. I slept next to him in his bed, which was very comfortable. I hugged him and fell asleep on his chest listening to his heartbeat, mine synching with it. I'm glad it was there. Everything stopped in that moment, I was happiest. I never wanted this moment to end, or anything to change.


When I woke up, Draco wasn't there, so I was walking back to my common room when I got stopped in the hallway by Hermione. I hugged her. "I'm so glad you guys are okay!", I said. We walked to the common room and Ginny and Hermione told me everything. The ministry finally believed that Voldemort was back. Umbridge was gone, Dumbledore came back and things were going to be okay again, right? "Talia, um...", they looked at me with a sad expression. "What's wrong?" "It's Sirius he..."

Sirius died. "He.. But Harry! He was the only family he had!", I said and let a tear fall out. "Yeah... Harry is not doing well...", said Ginny. "And, Talia... Lucius Malfoy was there. He fought us. He's a death eater. He never stopped.", said Hermione. My heart dropped to my stomach. "Are you saying..." "He's not safe, Lia. His father is going to be put in Azkaban and-" I stormed off crying before Hermione could finish. I sat in a deserted hall, still taking in what just happened. He's not his father. I felt someone sit next to me. "Is everything alright?", said Luna Lovegood in her spacey comfortable voice. "Nothing it's... It's just what Hermione said about Malfoy and... I don't want to bother you. You must think he's evil but-" "I don't think he's a bad person. I just think he's going to be very sad. " "You don't think he's bad?", I asked confused. "You like him. You trust him. How could anyone be evil if they're loved by such a pure and kind person?", she said. I wiped my tears and smiled. "Thanks, Luna."

I knew that a lot of things were going to change now. I wasn't ready for it, but there's nothing I could do to stop it.

A/N:(hope u guys have been liking the story so far i'm not mentally prepared for year 6 but oh well 😗✌️)

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