Year 4- Everything finally changes.

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Today was the day of the Yule Ball. I got ready with Hermione, Padma, and Parvati, and Hermione looked so stunning. I went down and Daphne excitedly grabbed my arm. 'Ahhh!~ You look so good!!!", she said. "Thanks, Daph. You look amazing as well. And you too, Millicent." "Thanks, I guess...", said Millicent. Rude. Then, I saw Harry come down with Ron. He gaped at me, so I blushed. "Hello, Harry. You look nice.", I said pushing a strand of my hair to the back. (lol debby ryan) "You do too. Look nice, I mean. Great!", he said awkwardly. I laughed. Then, Hermione came down, and everyone seemed amazed by her. As they should be, cause she's a queen. Then, she got pulled away by Viktor Krum, her date. Ron looked livid. "Don't tell me you're jealous, Ronald?", I said. He scoffed. Then, I saw Draco come in. He went to the ball with some girl from Beauxbatons who didn't speak English. I tried hard not to make the same expression as Ron. I smiled at Harry, and we were about to go in before McGonagall said, "Champions get the first dance! Go, go!", she rushed us in. We walked in with Hermione and Krum, Cedric and Cho, and Fleur with some guy in Ravenclaw. As we were walking by Draco looked at me and while I walked past I could still feel his gaze burning into me. What's up with HIM?

The music started playing, and I could tell Harry was nervous but he took my waist and we started dancing. I smiled at him and looked into his green eyes ( it's book harry stfu), and we danced. He did step on my feet  but I just laughed it off. It was super fun when he lifted me up. I felt this warm feeling in my chest, and I could tell he could too. When the slow dance ended I sat down with Harry. "Harry..." "Yes?", he said. "I think I've realized that... You're my best friend. Nothing more." "Yeah... I feel the same way.", he said. "You do?", I sighed with relief. "That's great." I smiled at him.

Hermione was having fun, and Daphne was in a really important conversation with Millicent about sweets, so I went outside. I saw Draco sitting down in the floor. I was confused and sat down next to him. "Where's your date?", I asked him. "I got bored.", he said. "Okay ouch." "Whatever. What about you?" "We... friendzoned each other.", I told him. He grinned and looked up at me. "I didn't even want to ask her, you know.", he said. "The person I wanted to ask already had a date." "Who was that?", I asked. He stared at me. I looked at his eyes. Had they always been that blue? His blond hair looked as soft as silk, and I felt so drawn to his pale and pointed face. I also felt a warmth in my chest, but it was different. Now I also had butterflies and felt dizzy. Wow, he smells really good. I stared at his soft lips when he grabbed my cheek and kissed me. I felt like sparks were shooting throughout my entire body and he was supporting my entire soul with his hand on my face. I wrapped my arms around him and kept kissing him. We split apart to catch our breath. "You...", he said with a genuine smile. George was no longer in my mind. Or Harry. Or anyone I ever felt any romantic attraction for. It was Draco. From now on it was all Draco.

"AHA! I KNEW IT! WHAT DID I SAY, MILLICENT? GIVE ME THE GALLEONS! AHHHH!!!", screamed Daphne. "Alright, alright you win!", I said giggling. I was still in a daze over what just happened. I peeped the corner and saw Harry and Ron staring at me in complete shock. I waved at them awkwardly. I stood up and looked back at Draco. "So are we... Uh..." He wrapped his arm around me. "Yeah. We are.", he told me. "Hey, you took off your nail polish!", I said looking at his hands. "Yeah, I did. Sorry, darling.", said Draco.
YOU- I playfully punched his arm and we walked inside the ballroom. Pansy Parkison screamed and ran away crying, Adrian Pucey looking very confused. I knew they'd come together... "Cry me a river, Parkison.", i mumbled. Draco heard and chuckled.


I danced with Draco for a while and sat next to Hermione, Harry, and Ron. "You're fraternizing with the enemy.", said Ron. "You're the one who wanted his autograph!", said Hermione. "We're supposed to be friends with them." "Don't you think he's got a bit more than friendship in his mind?" Hermione walked away hurt, and I slapped Ron in the face and went after her. I sat down next to her in the staircase when Ron walked up to her an she said; "Try and pluck up the courage to ask me first. And not as a last resort!" When he left I sat next to her, hugging her. "I don't know why he's acting like this.", I said. "Tonight was my night.", said Hermione. "My night to not be plain. To be beautiful. To be someone else. And he ruined that..." I nodded. She wiped her tears. "You know... You can go with your new boyfriend.", she told me. "Nah. Draco will always be there. You need me right now, Mione.", I said smiling.

(sorry this chapter is so short i felt it was important and had to be its own thing lol)

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