Year 7- Escape from death eaters.

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TW: cutting

"Come on, you mustn't be in the dungeons!", sad Bellatrix. We went outside and Narcissa saw me. "Hello. I hear you're with us now. Come, you can stay in Draco's room, but tell me if you prefer to stay somewhere else.", she said. "I want to stay with Draco. Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy.", I said. "Oh, please, call me Narcissa."

I got to Draco's room and it looked even better than his dorm at Hogwarts, and that was already impressive. I saw my bags already there. It was so weird that I went from being a prisoner to this so quickly. It was already at night, so I went to shower in Draco's bathroom. I got in the shower, the warm water trickling my skin. My body still hurts from Bellatrix's cruciatus curse. I washed my body, my teeth gritting if I pressed too hard because of the pain. I used his minty shampoo on my hair. After I dried myself, I put on one of my shorts and his shirt. When I walked in, Draco was laying on his bed looking up. I laid down next to him.

"Do you think this will work?", he told me. "Yeah. I don't think we have any other choice...", I said. "Draco, I missed you last year." "We were with each other practically all the time, though." "Yeah, but... You weren't yourself. You were going through so much and I hated seeing you like that...", I said, remembering how miserable he was. "Well, now that's over. There is still so much happening, but we're going through it together. I have a feeling this wont end as bad as we think.", he said. I smiled and got on top of him straddling him. I cupped his face and kissed him while his hands roamed my body hungrily. He started kissing my neck, surely leaving love bites. "Mmm...", I said and kissed him more before laying down next to him. "Go to sleep.", I said firmly. "That's the opposite of what we both want, Lia." I laughed and said; "Just go to sleep, ferret boy."

(lol im so evil)

The next day, we set out with Fenrir Greyback and some other werewolves to find Harry. We were doing this for days, straying them away from where we thought they'd be. But that didn't last long, because they decided to stop listening to us and we stopped at a forest. And there we saw them. Harry, Ron, and Hermione. One death eater told us to go after them and that was all we could do. Draco and I shot spells at the death eaters and I did hurt one of them, but now I screwed up. Now they were against us. When we finally caught Harry, his face was deformed. I knew this was Hermione's doing. I smiled at her, and then turned back to the death eaters. When the rest of the death eaters caught them, they gave fake names. "There' s no Vernon Dudley in this list. You're lying."

"And you!", said Fenrir to us. "What's wrong with you? You were shooting spells at us!" "I-im sorry, I missed.", I said, and they believed me. "Hey this one kind of looks like Harry Potter.", said one. "He's not.", said Draco. "I went to school with Potter, I should know." "Well, lets take him to Malfoy Manor. Then we can really decide."


There we were again, inside Malfoy Manor. They called Draco and me to decide if we knew them. Bellatrix asked us. "No.", I said firmly. We said we didn't know Hermione or Ron either, and they took the boys to the cellar while Bellatrix kept Hermione. "Don't hurt her!", I said accidentally. "Oh...", she said walking up to me. "I see. And I gave you a chance too.", she pulled Hermione into the cellar and threw me on the floor. She took out a knife and started carving the word "TRAITOR" into my arm. Draco screamed and tried to disarm her, but petrified him and forced him to look at my bleeding arm while she carved into me. She drove the knife deeper and I screamed in pain. Narcissa came in and screamed at Bellatrix. "YOU PETRIFIED MY SON?", she shouted. "I had to, Cissy, I had to! He was trying to stop me!" But Narcissa already did the counter spell. Then, Draco shot up and stupefied Bellatrix. Quickly, I stood up and blasted the door to the dungeons open. "QUICK! GO!", I shouted at them while Draco was still having a wand fight with his aunt, his mother trying to interfere. Then, I saw Dobby come. "Dobby?", I said confused. "I'm here to save Harry Potter and his friends.", he said. Then it hit me. House elves can apparate and disapparate anywhere and they can take humans with them. "Take them to-" "Take Luna, Dean, and Ollivander to Shell Cottage. Where Bill and Fleur live.", said Harry interrupting me. I went to help Draco with Bellatrix when Lucius Malfoy came and I had to shoot spells at him too. That's one way to meet the parents. Then, I looked up and saw Dobby, detaching the chandelier from its place and making it fall directly on Bellatrix. Dobby grabbed us and apparated us all to Shell Cottage but I noticed he had a silver knife in his back. "DOBBY NO!"

Dobby died. We had a magic-less burial for him and we were all really sad. He saved our lives. Fleur reluctantly took care of my arm in Shell Cottage. I went up to Harry to tell him something. He was sitting down, still thinking about Dobby. I sat down next to him. "I'm sorry.", I said. He looked at me confused. "About Dobby... And... I feel like it's all my fault." He stood up. "It's not your fault. You were a big help. I... I think I can understand why you do things. You're no less hero than we are.", he said offering me a hand so I could stand up.


"I think its time Draco and I leave.", I said. "But where would you even go? It's not safe anywhere.", questioned Hermione. "I don't think that the Malfoy's would let their son keep a bad name...We're going back to Hogwarts. We're not needed anywhere else.", I said finally. "But... But what if they know? You can't go back there!", said Hermione panicking. "I'll be fine.", I answered half-heartedly. "I.... I won't let anything happen to her.", said Draco. Luna came up to me and hugged me, a silent tear flowing down her face. "Thank you for being my friend." "Hey, we'll be fine! I promise.", I said holding her tightly.


We went back to Hogwarts. I saw Durriyah there and she seemed to be the only one that believed me to be good. "People trust me now, Lia! We're meeting in the room of requirements again. Of course, me and Daphne are the only slytherins that can go but... We're still here!" She led us in the room of requirements and it was like a big common room mixed with a classroom. I saw the flags of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The Slytherin flag was falling off a bit on the edges. "Hello!", said a hufflepuff girl coming up to me. "This is my little sister, Nura.", said Durriyah. Nura had a voice like Durriyah except it was higher and she seemed very positive how Durriyah was assertive instead. She wore a yellows hijab with a black niqab covering her face. "It's very nice to meet you.", she said. "Nice to meet you too-", I said before Daphne and Ginny basically jumped on top of me to hug me. It's good to be back.

The teachers were not so happy to see me, however. I had to go with Draco everywhere so they don't suspect anything. I was still anxious about Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

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