Year 6- Sides

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I stared at it in shock. I tried hard to not look scared of him, but it was hard. I let out a breath. "How... Did this happen?" "I didn't ask for it.", his voice trembled. "He wanted to get back at my father. He chose me. I was chosen." My hands sweat and I was shaking. "What do you have to do?", I asked him. But I wish I hadn't. "They had me fix a Vanishing Cabinet. I've been using the one in the Room of Requirements. And... I have to..."

Kill Dumbledore. Our headmaster. The most powerful wizard in the world.

"I have to, Talia. If not, he's going to kill me. My family, everyone I care about. He'll kill you. I told you but I know you'd never listen-"

"Draco, its okay. We'll be fine. How can I.. Help..?"

"Talia, I'm one of them. The people that killed your father. They're going to come and its going to be my fault but-"

"You have no choice.", I said. I hugged him and he buried his chest in the crook of my shoulder. He was still shaking, and we held each other. Again, we were two kids alone sitting, thinking things could get better, but not knowing for sure. But before I was a scared and hateful girl, and I'm now standing in the ashes of her.

After that, I avoided Harry as much as possible. Of course, this meant avoiding Hermione and Ron. In the dorm, I had to give Hermione some lame excuse for why I wasn't talking like I was studying or something. All the nights I could, I snuck out of my dormitory and went to Draco's. I did this a lot, I don't know how I didn't get caught. I helped him with his task, and forced him to take care of himself. He wasn't sleeping. I understand why.

I was going to help him with the vanishing cabinet, but if I didn't show up to Slughorn's party that would be suspicious. So I went. Harry brought Luna along and talked to her every chance I had. Then I saw Filch coming in ringing Draco by the neck. He said he had been trespassing. Draco was about to speak when I said; "He's my date! I invited him." Snape looked at me very confused. Filch left him alone, and I was going to talk to him before Snape told me he needed "A word with Mr. Malfoy.", and took him outside. Was I not supposed to say that? I can't let anyone know he told me.


On the train ride on the holidays, I found out Harry eavesdropped on Draco's conversation with Snape. I tried everything to tell him its not it. I was scared he was starting to become suspicious of me.

With the Weasleys I mostly hung out with Ginny. She didn't ask much about Draco, which was a relief. Keeping this secret from everyone was hard. I knew now of the Unbreakable Vow Snape made and Draco can't fail either way because his entire family will get killed. If Voldemort finds out of our relationship, he'd kill me too, but that's not important.

On one night, I was looking down from the window in Ginny's bedroom, I saw that The Burrow was being set on fire. Then I saw her. Bellatrix Lestrange. I tried to Avada Kedavra her right away, but she ran off. Ginny and Harry ran after her, and we couldn't do anything to stop the fire. This wasn't even the beginning. I ran after them and I dueled with Bellatrix, face-to-face. "Heard your filthy muggle father got what he deserved!", she spat at me. She kept blocking my spells. Fortunately, I blocked hers.


Back at school, I kept out of the way of everyone, including Draco. I felt terrible, but I didn't know what to feel anymore. Draco was going through so much, and I hated myself for having second thoughts. I wasn't about to give up on him, but I couldn't have death eaters kill everyone I love. He wants to be on our side, but he has work for the enemy first. This was the most complicated situation I've ever been in. But every time I remembered of who Draco really is, and what he means to me, that overflowed my worry and my fear.

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