Year 1- They did it.

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Everywhere I walked people murmured about me and how I was part of the reason Gryffindor lost 200 points. Harry had it worse, of course, but I still cried a little when I heard someone whisper about me right in front of me. I'm such a crybaby. Why can't I do anything right? At least my friends were going to be there with me. But I would have to hear Draco's constant nagging.

When me, Harry, Hermione, and Neville went outside at 11 at night, Filch took us to Hagrid's hut. Malfoy was there too, obviously. Malfoy suddenly stopped acting so brave. "Wait.. You were serious? The forest? We can't go in there!" "Yer to do it or ye leave Hogwarts.", said Hagrid. Malfoy fell silent. I could tell he was scared, and Harry seemed pleased at it, but I was scared too. But I planned on being brave despite how clearly dangerous this was. We followed Hagrid to the forest when we saw something shining on the ground.

"That there is unicorn blood. We're going to find whatever's been hurtin' 'em.", said Hagrid. "Alright, me, Harry, and Hermione go this way and Draco, Neville, Talia and Fang go that way. If yer in trouble, send out red sparks."

I walked around the forest with Malfoy and Neville. I could see nothing. "Ugh, Lumos.", I said trying to light up our path. We walked around for a bit before I looked at Neville's face from behind us.  He was frowning, and I remembered he was here partly because of me. I remembered all the whisper about me and before I knew it I started crying. "Wha- Why are you crying?", asked Malfoy. "What.. What do you care?", I spat at him. "Because you're pretty loud. Just tell me why you're crying all of a sudden. You aren't scared of the werewolves, are you?", he said to taunt me. "Shut up, Malfoy, you probably peed yourself.", I said. "And.. I'm crying because everyone is being mean. They're all avoiding me in class because I cost Gryffindor points.", I said between gasps. He looked at me for a second. "Well, you cant exactly blame them.", he said in a monotone voice. "Gee, thanks.", I said sarcastically. "But... If they see how you're reacting, that's not going to stop them from doing it. And house points mean a lot to people. It's their reputation. For some, it can be the most important thing. Just... never let them see that they get to you." I had no words. I just kinda walked in silence. "Uh.. Thanks.", I said. "Yeah, whatever.", he said before speeding up in a completely different tone than the one before. ??? I walked before I saw something disgusting that made me gasp. It was a unicorn... And it was dead. I sent up red sparks before Malfoy and Neville noticed. Malfoy screamed like a little girl and Neville almost fainted. Harry came from nowhere and looked at it. Harry screamed when he saw a hooded figure coming towards him. Malfoy and Fang ran. I was about to as well, before I saw that Harry decided not to move like an idiot. I pointed my wand at the figure but before I could do anything a centaur came in and scared it off. His name was Firenze. He carried us on his back, returning us to Hagrid and the rest, despite his centaur friends thinking that's not a very respected thing to do. He explained that someone was trying to slay a unicorn to live forever or something, but I spaced out and looked to the side. I decided to try and find Malfoy and Fang. Hopefully he was back with Hagrid. I heard Harry almost say Voldemort's name, but I heard Hermione. 

"Talia! Harry! Are you two alright?" "We're fine. Firenze found us and saved us from something. It was what was killing the unicorns.", I said, making Hermione gasp. Hagrid took us back to our common rooms, and I decided I was not going to speak to Malfoy, even though I understood what he did. Coward... I went up to my dorm to sleep. I was exhausted.


We had finally completed all our exams. I was sure that I did well. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were running around all over the place, but I couldn't catch up with them, so I just reassured myself that they'd tell me later. I decided to sit under a tree and read the muggle book that I got for Christmas. Behind my tree, I heard a girl crying. She was blonde and was in Slytherin. "What's wrong?", I asked her. "I... I got an N my Transfiguration exam.", she said before she started sobbing again. "Oh! Well, at least you still passed. And if you did your best on it, then there's nothing to worry. An N really isn't that bad.", I said trying to comfort her. She sniffed and nodded. "What's your name?", I asked. "Daphne Greengrass." "Wow, I really like your name. My name is Talia Hernandez. Want to see this book I'm reading?" She nodded before asking, "Wait. Is that a muggle book?" "Yeah, so?" "Oh, nothing, I've just never really read muggle books, I'm a pureblood." "Well, it's my favorite. I'll tell you about it."


One day, I noticed that the whole school seemed to be in a panic. "What's going on?", I asked Hermione. "Talia, Quirrel was the one trying to steal the stone. And killing the unicorns. And he had..." Her voice turned into a whisper. "You-Know-Who living on the back of his head." HE. HAD. WHAT. "Of course it was Quirrel! How could I have been so oblivious?.. Where's Harry?", I asked.

I went inside the hospital wing where Dumbledore was. "Oh.. I'm sorry, Professor." "No no, I was just about to leave.", he told me. "I assume you want to talk to Harry." I nodded. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Harry! I'm so glad you're okay!" "Thanks, Lia." "You're an amazing wizard, Harry!", I said. He blushed. He then explained to me the entire thing.


At the House Cup feast, Slytherin won, which I applauded, but Dumbledore decided to add Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville extra points. This was completely unfair, but I didn't want anyone thinking that I wasn't happy for our own house. And I was happy for Neville, because he really deserves those points. And my friends too, of course, they only saved us from Voldemort. I looked to the Slytherin table and waved at Daphne, and I noticed Malfoy looking terribly disappointed. I giggled, but I get it. I love Hogwarts, and I love my friends so much. But the fact the most dangerous dark wizard was in our school right under our noses (HAH!) makes me wonder... is this going to be as fun and whimsical as it seems?

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