The start of the rest of our lives.

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After our last year of Hogwarts, I moved back in with my mom. When I was 24, I got a job in the ministry working in the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures. Then, Draco asked me to marry him. So I did. I had a forest wedding and I'll never forget my vows.

"Draco, I promise to love you when the days are dark and the light in your heart is put out. I promise to be by your side and light the fire inside you forever."

"Talia, I promise to love you when you on days when it seems impossible. I promise to be by your side in the good times and the bad, just like you've always done for me. I've loved you forever and I promise that I'll never stop."

I had Luna help me plan my wedding, and she left two chairs for my dad and Fred. (At 25) I moved in with Draco. We didn't live at Malfoy Manor because it was just too traumatic for us. They did remove the dungeon I was, you know, tortured in, though. I love Narcissa. I hadn't thought about it before, but she'd saved my life so many times.

On one Sunday, I woke up feeling very cheerful. It was one night that I didn't have a nightmare about Bellatrix or Voldemort, and Draco didn't either. I had a day off from work today, but Draco had already gone to work, so I decided to watch some TV. And yes, we have a muggle device In our wizarding home, the second war is over Karen, get with the times. Anyways, as I was watching a movie I saw that a character was pregnant. Then I thought, oh so innocently. LOL. Wouldn't it be funny if I was pregnant? Wouldn't it be... HILARIOUS?


I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. Just one test right? NO U THOUGHT. I took another one and positive. Then another one and positive. Draco and his obsession with kids is gonna love this one.

When he got home, I greeted him like always. "Heyyyy Drayyyyyy", I said like an idiot. "Hello, Darling...", Draco said super confused. "Um... I have to tell you something,", I said sitting him down on the couch. He still looked pretty concerned. "Um... Yeah, what is it?", he said. "Close your eyes.", I said. He closed his eyes and I grabbed his hands and put the pregnancy test on them. (Yes I cleaned it). He opened his eyes and looked down. At first he was shocked, but then he smiled and hugged me, lifting me up. He placed a hand on my cheek and looked at me gaping. My cheeks hurt from smiling. "You're pregnant.", he said breathlessly. I nodded.

"Oh my god, will I be a good father?" "Draco, calmate los nervios." "What if im not a good father? I don't know how to-" "Draco.", I said touching his hair. "You're going to be a wonderful father."

2 months later, I told Draco's parents and my mom about my pregnancy. Narcissa and my mom were sobbing and Lucius was smiling which made me uncomfortable but whatever. I told my friends and decided that Daphne was going to be the godmother. Luna was the only one to knows the gender of the baby. When she told us in her own creative, Luna way, we found out we were having a boy. I already knew what Draco wanted to name him, so I agreed to Scorpius.

He was a quiet baby, calm and usually slept throughout the entire night. A year later, though, we decided to have another one. She was the opposite of Scorpius. Anne was rowdy and loud and it was a miracle when she slept. Scorpius looked just like his father, and Anne looked like me except she had blue eyes. The stayed this way when they grew up. But I loved them so so so so much.

The End.

(A/N: thanks for reading this was my first full on fanfic so it's not the best but i'll be writing more in the future :))

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