Year 7- The Battle of Hogwarts.

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One day while in the room of requirements, the door that led to the Three Broomsticks opened and I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione coming in. Neville explained everything to them. Harry said they had to go to fight Voldemort, but we said we'd go with them. "Harry, we can help you.", I said.

Harry asked something about a diadem, and Luna told him about Ravenclaw's diadem. He just had to find it.


Today was the day that we had prepared for. Dumbledore's Army, along with anyone else in the school that would like to fight for Hogwarts was going to fight against Voldemort. We marched outside of the school. In the hallways of the school I saw a slouched figure of a blonde woman. "Mom....?", I said. She looked at me and ran up to me crying. She hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I tried to find you, I didn't mean anything I said! I was just upset, but that's no excuse. Please, for whatever time we have left, please forgive me." Her tired wrinkled face was unlike the one she used to be. But if I had a chance to get my mother back, only for a little while, I'll do it. "It's alright, mom. I forgive you. I love you.", I said. "I love you, Talia." , she said.

The teachers and parents did a protection charm around the school. I saw an army of death eaters starting to attack the shield. Then one big strike of light destroyed the shield completely. I ran trying to find Draco. Instead, I bumped into Pansy Parkison.

"Parkison!", I shouted. "I...I know we've had our differences but I don't want to rememeber you as someone I hated because we could die today.", I said. "Um... I don't like you. I'm going to the Dark Lord's side where its safe. You stole my boyfriend either way." What is going on in this kid's brain? "Excuse me? First of all, we're in the middle of a WAR and he was never your boyfriend. But you know what? You'll never love him like I do. And he loves me. Now I'm going to find the love of my life, because he's definitely not trying to find you.", I said and kept running.

I kept running and I saw him. He picked me up and hugged me. We kept running to where everyone was and we were finally face to face with a death eater army. I shot spells at as many death eaters as I could. I summoned a silver dagger and threw it at Greyback when I saw him trying to attack Lavender Brown. However, I got shot from behind and saw a deep gash on my shoulder. I heard Draco scream and I passed out.

I woke up in the hospital wing. "Talia!", said Draco hugging me. "I stunned them but they already hurt you." "I'm fine, Draco." Everything seemed unusually quiet. I looked to my right and broke down into tears. I tried to muffle my sobs so it wouldn't disturb the Weasley's grieving, but I looked and saw Fred's dead body. I walked up behind Ginny trying to comfort her. I looked at George, not being able to imagine the pain he must be going through. He lost his other half. Then, I looked and saw our old professor Remus Lupin and his wife Tonks. I knew they had a son recently and now he was all alone. I felt selfish and guilty that it was not me. They didn't deserve to die.

I couldn't find Harry for a while. The death eaters came back and we stood on opposite sides. Voldemort came up to the front and announced; "Harry Potter is dead!" We were all shocked and Ginny screamed. That was when I'd lost all hope. Voldemort said to come forward to his side. Lucius called Draco over. He looked back and I grabbed his hand firmly and shook my head. He looked forward and shook his head 'no'. Neville stepped forward. "Harry may be gone. But he's still with us. In here.", he said, gesturing to his heart. He made a speech that gave me some hope, and suddenly I saw Harry drop out of Hagrid's arms. He was alive. Draco saw and threw him his wand. Death eaters started disappearing,

We ran back into the castle and Bellatrix almost killed me. Then she went for Ginny, and Molly Weasley killed her. Not something you expect Molly to do, but I was glad she was dead. I hated her so much. Harry and Voldemort dueled against each other. Then, I saw Neville kill Voldemort's snake with the sword of Gryffindor. It's what Harry had intended to do, and I was so proud of him. Then, Harry defeated Voldemort once and for all.


We were in the great hall again, and everyone was happy. Voldemort was dead, he could not harm us anymore. But we'd lost so many people. Dobby, Fred, Remus, Tonks... But it was over now. I sat next to Draco and he hugged me. "We're safe now.", he said. "Mhm..", I mumbled. "I wanted to ask you this before, when we thought we were going to die. But now that we're more alive than ever I still want to ask you. Talia, I love you. I always have. This isn't the proper way to do it, and its not official, I promise, but... You'll marry me in the future, right?", he said. "Draco Malfoy, I'll marry you a million times. I'll be proud to call you my husband.", I said. "Not now, though.", I said and he nodded quickly.

For the rest of the year, the houses were all united. Most of the Slytherins were known to be on Voldemort's side. But people were fine with the ones that weren't now. And I had Draco now. I'll have him forever. We were still broken, but we'll stick together. It's the only thing we could do.

(A/N the story doesnt end here as you know. I kinda hated this year but i hope you liked reading it. :))

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