Year 4- If you look above the water, you'll see he's back.

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Hermione was hanging out with Harry, so I decided to study a bit in the library with Draco for a potions test. "Potions is so easy, how are you having trouble?", he told me. "I don't know! It's just hard to keep up with all the ingredients and... stuff..", I said. "Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. Glad you asked me to be here, though. I happen to be amazing at potions. And everything else.", he said and winked. I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, Casanova.", I said laughing. We were not really studying much, just talking a lot and not saying anything. But we didn't seem to mind.


On another day, we were at the library helping Harry figure out his next task. But then me and Hermione got called to McGonagall's office. "Good evening, Ms. Granger, Ms. Hernandez.", said Professor McGonagall. "I called you here because, as you know, the second task in the Triwizard Tournament is tomorrow. We've noticed that you two are very special to the champions, as you were their dates to the Yule Ball and are friends with them... I ask you that you do not say what the task is to the champions but..."

"WE ARE THE THINGS THEY HAVE TO GET?", I shrieked. "WE HAVE TO GO UNDERWATER FOR A WHOLE HOUR... AS BAIT?" "Calm, down, Ms. Hernandez! You will be in no harm!" I don't know about all that... "If the contestants simply fail to retrieve you you will be brought back up safely. Besides, you'll be asleep." I sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. I trust Harry, I guess." "I will too.", said Hermione. We looked at each other in hope and fear.

On the day of the task, they put a sleeping spell on us and threw us in the water. I didn't know what was going on, cause I was, you know, asleep. But when I woke up I was in the water being pulled by Harry, who was also carrying Gabrielle, Fleur's sister. I sat down in the docks and was covered by a towel. I saw Draco running up to me. He looked extremely worried. He grabbed my face in his hands. "Lia! Are you alright? I can't believe those bastards put you in there- You could've died! And for a silly tournament! When I see that Potter I-" "Draco, it's okay!", I said smiling softly. "I wasn't in any actual harm." He had that looked on his face. I sighed. "Dray, please don't tElL yOuR fAtHeR aBoUt ThIs." "I- I wasn't going to!", he said offended. "I'm fine!", I said. But he still wrapped me in his arms and wouldn't let go. Everyone was looking at us weird, which was understandable  because 'Draco Malfoy doesn't care about anybody but himself.' "Are you okay, Harry?", I asked. Draco looked at him angrily. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks.", he said. Cedric won, but they gave Harry extra points because he saved Gabrielle. So he got second place, which was fair.

Later that day, I was in Draco's dorm and he still looked pretty upset. "You STILL mad over that? Te lo juro im going to turn you into a ferret." "Okay, one that's a very weird insult,", he said. "Two, I don't speak Italian, and three... It's just that Potter. He's in love with you or something." I burst out laughing. "Dray, how many times have I told you? We both agreed we're just friends!" "Yeah, I know, but you're mine now and-" "Yes! I am, now shut up!", I said pulling his arm around me and putting my head on his shoulder.


Today was the third task! It was a maze, which made me less worried, because what could possibly happen in a maze? I sat next to Hermione and Draco and his friends were above me. The competitors all went in. We obviously couldn't see anything, but I hoped they were doing all right. After a while, we saw red sparks going up, and I tensed up. 'What do you think happened?", I told Hermione. "I don't know..." They brought Fleur Delacour back safely. "Well, she's alright..." After a while, still nothing, the band played and played. Then, we saw it. We saw Harry.

He wasn't alone, he was with Cedric Diggory. But Cedric wasn't walking next to him, proudly, carrying the cup, as he had been waiting to do. Instead, Harry was carrying his limp body in his arms as he fell to the ground. Everybody kept cheering. Nobody seemed to noticed, I looked up at Draco, who looked down at me with the same expression I had. Then, the cheers died down. I felt ringing in my ears. I heard a faint voice from a man... "That's my son! That's my boy..."... Harry wouldn't let go of Cedric, but I heard him say something. "He's back! Voldemort is back!" The Triwizard Tournament had ended. Cedric Diggory, a charismatic boy with a bright future who only wanted glory to his name, died. And Voldemort had returned. Nothing would ever be the same.  Harry got taken to somewhere by Professor Moody, and we all walked back to our dormitories that night, the sound of Amos Diggory's cries loud in our minds.

I couldn't talk to anyone, I couldn't know what to say. Cho Chang was extremely depressed, and the whole school was in a grey mood. Not only had an innocent boy died, but Voldemort had returned. I immediately wrote a letter to my mother. She'd want to hear about this.

I later found out by Harry that "Professor Moody" wasn't Alastor Moody at all, but a death eater named Barty Crouch Jr. A death eater. Was inside our school the whole year and helped Voldemort come back. This made my blood boil. In the memorial about Cedric Diggory, Dumbledore made sure to let everyone know that his death was no accident. And Voldemort was back. Cedric deserved justice.

"Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain."

On the day the people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were leaving, I said goodbye to Amelie. "I'll miss you. Say hi to your mom for me, wont you?" Then I walked over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "So everything's going to change now isn't it?", said Hermione. "Yes.", answered Harry. "You two must write!", I said. Then, I saw Draco behind me. "Dray!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "Write to me this summer, wont you? You will?" "Yes, I will!", he said, smiling. He had a tired face. I kissed him goodbye. This had to be the worst year at Hogwarts. So far. I knew it was going to get worse. But at least I had them. At least I had him.

(Lol i cried so hard while writing this hope u liked it!)

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