Year 7- Fake it 'til you make it.

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This year, I refused to go back to the Weasley's. The war started and it would be just too much for them. So, I got a job at the Three Broomsticks and stayed at the inn. I knew Harry, Ron, and Hermione were out with their mission and I really hope they succeeded.

I was packing my bags for school, when I got a letter. I hadn't gotten a letter in so long. I opened it and all it said was;

"They know.

-          D.M."

That can't be good. As I was packing, I saw a flash of light behind me and I stiffened up and dropped to the floor. I saw people walk up to me. "Hi again~", cooed Bellatrix, putting a blindfold over my eyes. I couldn't talk or move as hard as I tried, but I was still breathing and I could still see and hear. I felt someone hit my head with something, and I passed out.

When I woke up, I was tired up in a dim lit dungeon. I hazily looked around and saw Luna there, with Ollivander. "Where...Am i?", I asked. Ollivander shushed me and I heard footsteps. I saw someone open the door and Bellatrix Lestrange came in. "You! You brought me here- LET ME GO!" She cackled. "Me? Oh, I was just acting on orders." She knelt down in front of me and stuck her wand under my chin. " You see, the Dark Lord found out about your little thing you have with my nephew, Draco. But don't worry, you don't have to be a prisoner here. You are an awfully smart girl, with wits, as the Dark Lord says. You know, I like you. All you need to do is join us. Tell us where Harry Potter is, and what he's doing, and you get to live with your beloved under the presence of the Dark Lord!", she told me. "I don't know where they are, and they didn't tell me what they're doing.", I said. I got close to her face. "And I would NEVER. Join you." "CRUCIO!", she shot at me and I screamed in agony. The pain from the curse was unbearable. I heard someone running.

Draco opened the door and Bellatrix stopped torturing me. "Ah, Draco, come to see?" "Expelliarmus!", he said and disarmed Bellatrix. She stopped supporting my weight and I fell to the floor. Draco ran next to me. "No! You can't be with her! GIVE ME MY WAND!", shrieked Bellatrix. "DON'T TOUCH HER!", he said, still carrying her wand. "Draco...", said Bellatrix walking up to him. "She has five days to decide. If not, I'll kill her." , Bellatrix said, leaving the dungeon. Draco held my worn-out face. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.", he said worried. He wasn't as unstable as he was last year. He was braver now. "It's not your fault. I'll be fine.", I said sitting up. "Hello, Luna. Mr. Ollivander.", I said facing them. "Hello.", said Luna. She didn't look happy anymore. Luna deserved to be happy. "I'm sorry you had to experience that.", she said. "It's alright." "We have to get you all out of here. I don't know how." , said Draco deep in thought.  "I have a plan, but I don't know how to get us ALL out of here immediately.", I said. "And it cant be right now. She needs to torture me for a bit more." "Absolutely not!", Draco said. I held his hands. "I will be fine. Leave, she can't see you talking to me." He kissed me for a while, like it was the last thing he'd ever do, and left.


The next day, I was awoken by a voice I was not happy to hear. "Get up!", said Bellatrix. "You again?", I said. "Oh, so you have a death wish? You're lucky you have some more days before I end your misery." "I have not changed my mind, miss Bella. And I never wi- AHHHHHHHHHH", I screamed once again because of the excruciating pain. Then, I forcefully started cackling maniacally, and Luna and Ollivander looked very confused. Bellatrix did too, until she started giggling. She stopped casting the spell on me, and I fell back in exhaustion. But I had to keep going. I giggled silently. "You want to know where my goodie-two-shoes friend Potter is?", I said. Bellatrix nodded eagerly. Still grinning like a psychopath, I said "Well... I don't know where they are!", I said and broke down into tears. I mean SOBBING.. LOUDLY... It wasn't very hard. "I- I've disappointed the Dark Lord, please Bella, give me a chance to find them!", I said, getting on my knees begging her. Bellatrix looked at me with empathy, like she saw herself in me. I almost vomited. "I will ask the Dark Lord.. But I might have to kill you...", she said with an ungenuine frown. "Please! Oh, how I tried to please the Dark Lord by opening up the chambers... But I failed. I failed him. For that I am worthless, but please, Bella, I need another chance to prove myself I- I helped Draco last year I just-" "Alright, alright, girl! I will tell the Dark Lord of this. I believe you.", she said. On the outside, I looked like I was crying from being so grateful. On the inside...

I can't believe I fooled this idiot. Fooling Voldy might be different, though.


The third day being here I went up to Luna. "Luna... You know what I'm trying to do. If I fail, please tell people what I did this for. And don't listen to a word I say.", I told her. She smiled and nodded. I heard someone come in, but Bellatrix wasn't alone this time. She was with the woman I recognized to be Draco's mom.  "So?", I said enthusiastically. "The Dark Lord is going to have you go with us under complete surveillance to perform this task. We're going to find Harry Potter. Not Cissy, though. Draco had the option to go to school, but he decided to come with us.", said Bellatrix. I cannot believe I just pulled that off. "You have to do something first...", she said pushing a random muggle inside the room. "Perform the Cruciatus Curse on her.", she said. This was not part of my plan. "Don't worry, I was nervous my first time too.", Bellatrix said with a smile. I smiled awkwardly back at her, when Narcissa looked at me confused and deep in thought. "Bella, I think she's nervous to do it in front of us, maybe we should leave her...", said Narcissa. Wow, is she saving my life? "Cissy! How would we know she's actually doing it?", pouted Bellatrix. "We will hear the screams, Bellatrix, be reasonable.", said Narcissa before taking herself and Bellatrix out. I looked at the muggle woman, trembling in fear. "Talk.", I said. "What?", she said confused. "What do you do for a living?", I asked her. Confused, she responded; "I'm an actress." "Let's hope you're good.", I said and raised my wand at my throat. "Abscondita Orator.", I mumbled, so my voice could change into her's. Then, I performed the Cruciatus Curse on myself. My screams sounded different, which was the point. I stopped, and told her; "Quick, act in extreme pain!" She did and started sobbing. I did the counter spell for my voice to turn back to normal and I was limping. Crap. "Please, stop!", she said, still sobbing. Huh, she is a good actor. I started laughing when I heard Bellatrix come in. "Ooh, wonderful job, Lia!", said Bellatrix. "Now you can come with us!" "Won't I have to get the mark?", I asked. "Eager, are you? The Dark Lord said no. He knows best. Oh, but I like you! Come, new best friend, lets go find Harry Potter!", she said. Hah! This woman is crazy.

(A/N some detaild in the next few chapters aren't canon or compatible with the story line and i get it but i still added it.)

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