Year 4- Tasks and Dances

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On the day of the first task, I found out Harry had to steal a golden egg from a dragon. A. DRAGON. What world are we living in? Hermione went to talk to Harry, so I sat next to Ginny, Fred, and George. Amelie also decided to sit with us. Then, with the sound of a canon it was Cedric's turn to get the egg. He succeeded, then Fleur, who Amelie would not stop cheering at, then Krum, and finally Harry. He summoned his broom and got the egg and flew away with it. I had to say, I was very impressed that he didn't die.

After that, there was a huge party in the Gryffindor common room, courtesy of mostly George and Fred, of course. "You two really are amazing, huh?", I told them. "Why, thank you, dollface.", said George quickly and walked away. I froze and Hermione had to walk around with me. Then we started cheering for Harry, and he opened the egg and it started screeching, typical, but we kept celebrating for hours until McGonagall, who was also very excited , had to shut us down. I drank more butterbeers that day than I had before in my life. Also, Ron and Harry FINALLY made up Took them long enough.

The next morning in breakfast, Harry was gawking at Cho Chang. We received packages from our parents, which Ron received these ridiculous ancient dress robes. Mum just sent me some money so I could buy a dress at Hogsmeade. Why would we need them, though?

THE YULE BALL? THERE IS GOING TO BE A BALL. I AM GOING TO FAINT. THAT'S WHY WE NEED THEM. BECAUSE THERE'S GOING TO BE A BALL. Oh my gosh, what if George asks me out? I need to ask HIM. What if he says no? Who else would ask me? ...Draco? NO NO. NO. Who? Daphne says she has a list... "DAPHNE!", I said, running up to her. "Yeah?" "You know that list you had of people that have a crushon me? I need to hear it." "Oh, okay. Well Draco-"


"Yes. Draco, Harry,"


"Yes. Draco, Harry, and Blaise."

"Who the hell is Blaise?"

"A slytherin. He might ask you to the ball soon..."



"You have a crush on Blaise. Go ask him out."

"You know what? I will."

"Wait.. George.. isn't on the list?"

"Well he could be. I just don't see him often. Oh, also, Adrian Pucey."

"That kid is interested in everyone. Even Parkison."

"yeah, he's probably gonna go with Parkison."

"Anyways, I'll see you later. I have to do something."

I knew Harry was going to ask Cho Chang. I was going to ask George. "Hey, Hermione, has someone asked you out to the ball yet?", I asked her in our dormitory. "Yes. Viktor Krum did." "VIKTOR KRUM?" "Yes.", she said simply. "He kept watching me study and one day he finally asked me." "That's amazing! What about you, Ginny?", I asked since she was also in our dorm. "Neville asked me. I'm really good friends with him so I'm going. I need to get over Harry, anyways." "Well... I have someone in mind.", I said. "You're going to ask him?", said Hermione. "Yeah. It's not like he'll ever ask me..."

We were studying in the Great Hall when I looked up and saw Fred asking out Angelina. "Hey, um, George?" "Yeah?", he said looking at me. "Uhm..", I cleared my voice. "So I was wondering if you'd wanna go to the yule ball with.. me?" Ron's jaw dropped. He looked at Fred. He looked at me. Then at Fred. "Talia, you're... Honestly amazing. You're great really, but, I see you as a friend. Or maybe a little sister. I really want to be friends with you. I just don't see you in that way... Sorry.."




"Oh! Ok! Yeah, no I totally get it. It's fine.", I gave him a weak smile which he returned. I looked over and saw Draco looking at me. Then, Ron asked Hermione just because, which was extremely rude, so we both turned in the thing we had been doing to Snape and left.

"That was so rude of him! Assuming nobody has asked me yet!" "I agree! And asking you just because yOuRe A gIrL! That's ridiculous!" Then, Harry came in the common room. "Hey, um... Talia?" "Yes, Harry?", I said. "Um... Listen I... I've had a crush on you for a while and... Well, since first year... And I was going to ask Cho but... Do you want to go to the ball with me? I know you liked George but..." "Harry. I would love to go to the ball with you.", I said, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled at me and Hermione just stood there, very surprised. Then, Ron came in looking like he had just been dumfounded. Apparently he asked Fleur Delacour to the ball and it did NOT go well. But then Harry suggested he asked out Padma Patil. This weekend, me, Ginny,  and Hermione were going to go buy our dresses at Hogsmeade, and I was going to bring Daphne along too. 


At the dress shop, I was looking through dresses while Hermione was trying one on. Ginny got a pink and light green dress, and Daphne a black poofy one. "Daph, come help me choose. " "What about this one?", she said, showing me a short red dress. "Ooo, I love it, but I don't really know.." "Alright, what about this?", she showed me a beautiful long blue dress with big sleeves. "That is absolutely gorgeous, I'd look like a goddess!... But nah. Oh, by the way, did you ask Blaise?" "Yup. But he said no.", she said. "Oh, I'm sorry." "It's fine. I'm just gonna go with Millicent as friends. I can't believe you're going with Harry." "Who did you expect me to go with?", I asked. "Draco.", said Daphne. "Oh, would you drop it? He doesn't like me!" "Have you asked him about it?" "Well, no..." "Hm..", she hummed while showing me a silky yellow dress. "I'd love to see that in another color." Then she showed me the same dress in dark green. I gasped. "That's... that's the one..." She giggled. "This DOESN'T mean anything. Green is just... My color."

Hermione then came out of the dressing room, wearing a frilly pink dress she looked like a princess in. "Oh my goodness, Mione. You look stunning.", said Ginny. "Woah.", I said. "This is the one, huh?", said Hermione. "Yeah it is!", I exclaimed. "You look very nice, Hermione.", said Daphne shyly. "Thank you Daphne." Daphne then got the blue dress that I rejected and we left. I don't know about the rest but I was feeling amazing knowing I was going to wear this dress. And the dance practices we had been doing were going to pay off at the ball.

btw this was the dress Talia bought:

btw this was the dress Talia bought:

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