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A Month Later, December 15th,

Over the last month Jessica and Sam have been working non stop. When they weren't working to prepare for their baby they were in school. Jessica was still living with Ann until her and Sam could afford a small place of their own.

Being so young, it was hard to make enough money to save up for a place to live. They had a lot on their plate especially with a baby coming soon.

Jessica mentally struggled everyday, but she didn't share her feelings with anyone, she wanted to be positive but it was hard for her to not think about her parents. She missed them dearly, especially her mother. All she wanted was a call or something but she hasn't heard from them since she left their home.

Sam's family was not all that happy, but they knew that they had to be supportive and help in whatever way they could. They would never imagine kicking their own daughter to the streets for being pregnant. They have always loved Jessica and they want to be there for her and Sam.

Christmas was just around the corner which made things a bit more difficult for Jessica. All she wanted was to be with her family. During the holidays, Ann had a plan to make Christmas extra special for herself and Jessica who were "parentless".


It was Tuesday, Jessica just hit her 20 week mark. After school, she headed right to the restaurant a few blocks away from school to work. It was a small little diner that was very popular in the town. She worked extra hard for tips to support her and the baby.

"Good afternoon, Jessica! Wanna take tables 6, 9 and 11?" Her boss says to her as she puts on her apron.

"Yes, of course!" She smiles as she grabs her pen and paper.

She walks out of the kitchen and scans her surroundings slowly to get a feel of how the afternoon will go. She always got a little nervous before working, she felt like the town joke. A pregnant teen trying to make money for what was considered "her mistake". There were fellow church members who once adored Jessica but now give her a scandalous look and friends from school who hide behind the menus and laugh. God how she wished it didn't have to be this way.

She made her way to table six with a big smile.

"Hello, Welcome to Lou's Diner, I'm getting your server. What can I get started for you?" She smiles

An old couple looks deep into her eyes then they move her to belly.

"Jessica Lange? Little Jessie?" The old man says

She looks deeply into the old mans eyes and quickly remembers him.

"Father James?" Jessica smiles

Father James was Jessica's church's old priest. He retired when she was very young, but she knew from his smile that it was him. He moved out of town to be closer with his grandkids and now he was back.

"Oh Jessica, hello!" His wife Mary smiles

"Hi! It's so nice to see you." She smiles. She knew out of everyone, father James was never one to judge. His soul was too kind.

"It looks like we have a lot of catching up to do!" He smiles

"Yes, sir... haha."


It was closing time and Jessica was the last one in the diner. She picked up the extra closing shifts to make more money. On Tuesday's, it was always her, alone in the diner, making sure it was perfect for the next morning.

Sam usually picked her up around 9:30, but it was 8:45 and she heard a knock on the door. She assumed it was Sam that came early, but as she looked closer she noticed that it was father James.

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