Inducing Labor

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April 20th, Jessica's 17th birthday

Jessica was at the end of her pregnancy and she had never felt more awful in her life. The pregnancy was takings a toll on her small body. She was more tired than ever, she cramped everywhere, her feet hurt, and she was never comfortable.

For her birthday she wanted to take it easy, not make a big deal about it, and finish the little side room which would be Eloise's nursery. They still had a lot to do and Jessica felt very overwhelmed and scared.

A week ago Sam moved in. He spent every moment with Jessica. She was no longer working and he took off time until the baby came, just in case the baby came he wanted to be there through it all and not miss a thing.

It all started off strange. Jessica met Sam when she was fifteen and was forbidden to date anyone until she was eighteen. But times really did change. She was now seventeen, pregnant, and had her boyfriend living with her. It was crazy for her to think about. Sam used to be a stunner and a big partier, but in the last nine months she has seen such a good change in him. she was happy to be surrounded by supportive people who loved her.

It was ten in the morning. Jessica had just started getting sleep early in the morning. Sam was up with her all night. She took a few baths to soothe her body, spent time on the yoga ball, and had Sam rub her feet.

Sam woke up to Jessica as she was starting to open her eyes.

"I know I said this at midnight, but happy birthday baby.... and good morning to little Eloise who kept mommy up." He chuckles

Jessica gives Sam a kiss then wraps her arms around her belly.

"Thank you." She smiles

"How do you feel?"

"Okay. But I have to pee. Can you help me up?" She asks softly

"Yeah." Sam says with a smile as she climbs over the bed to help her up.

Jessica walks to the bathroom and Sam follows her.

"So, today I think your mom wants to have a birthday dinner for you. But as asked, we can finish up little girls room."

"Okay, that sounds great. I just want it to have it done, you know?"

"I understand and it will get done!" He smiles

"Look at us. You sitting on the bathtub ledge while I pee."

"It's nice." He says with a chuckle

"Yes, very classy."


"Happy Birthday, honey!" Dorthy says giving Jessica a kiss

"Thank you!" She smiles "grammie! You're here." She smiles

"Of course I am! It's your birthday." Her grandmother smiles

"Thank you for coming!" Jessica smiles

"You're growing!" Her grandmother says

"She's grown a lot this month!" Dorthy says

"And I have more time to grow too! I wouldn't be surprised if she came out ten pounds!" Jessica sighs

"Oh don't be silly! She will be at least six or seven pounds." Her grammie says

"Owe, that's going to hurt!" Jane giggles

"Very funny. Well, Sam and I are going to start working on the nursery. All are welcome, but it's going to be an all day thing. I want it done today!" Jessica smiles

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