A Painting and Gold Bracelet

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April 2nd, 36 weeks;

Today was the day of the baby shower that  Jane, Sam's mother, and Dorthy planned for Jessica. It was being held in a beautiful little space by the water. Jessica was a bit nervous to be surrounded by all these people, especially while being pregnant. Sam made sure that she would enjoy herself and knew that she'd have a great time.

As people were arriving there was a table with all kinds of baby pictures of Sam and Jessica.

"Oh lord, I hope our baby never takes a picture like this!" Jessica says holding up a funny picture of Sam.

"I won't let her. This picture is cruel, why is it even here?" He says stuffing it into his pocket.

"Because it's cute!"

"And look, a little board with the baby's name on it."

"Eloise Ivy Shepard." Sam says proudly

"I think we picked a good one." Jessica smiles

"Me too." Sam says kneeling to the floor to kiss Jessica's belly.

"Hey little Eloise! It's daddy here to say that you're coming pretty quick! Your eviction notice is coming!"

"Oh Sam..." Jessica giggles

"What, you're ready for her to be out as much as me!" He giggles as he goes in for a soft kiss

"Hey you two, to talk to some of your guest." Ann chuckles

"Oh yes, of course." Jessica says grabbing onto Sam's hand.

They baby shower went really well. They played games, Jessica caught to talk to a lot of people, introduce Sam to some family, and had a wonderful dinner.

After people got some cake and played some games, Jessica decided to open a few meaningful gifts. They were going to save the rest after the shower, but Jane and Dorthy insisted on Jessica opening their gifts.

"Okay this one is from Mrs. Shepard." Jessica smiles

Sam hands her the card. They read it aloud for everyone to hear. After her thoughtful note she left for the new parents, Jessica was a bit emotional.

"...I know you two will make amazing parents to our sweet Eloise and that she is so lucky to have parents that love each other more than words can say. I can only say thank you for bringing this sweet blessing into our lives, and I wish you too the best of luck."

"Mom, this is great, thank you." Sam says as him and Jessica hug her.

"Now open the gift before I keep crying!" Jane says

Sam and Jessica slowly start opening the gift. Underneath all of the wrapping paper was a beautiful painting that Jane made herself. She loved art just as much as Jessica and knew that it would mean a lot to her.

"Wow, Jane this is beautiful!" Jessica smiles

It was a beautiful painting of a cheerful Forrest with all kinds of fairies and lights.

"When you two told me the name, this is how I imagined a painting named after her would be." Jane smiles

"Mom, it's wonderful!"

"You'll have to hang that in her big room." Jane, Jessica's sister says

"Of course we will. Thank you!"

Jane gave the parents some more blankets and clothes, but that was the main gift. Next was Dorthy's.

"And this is for you... I'm sorry I didn't write a note but I'll make sure that I write one for the memory box,  but here is mine." Dorthy smiles

"Oh wow, what could it be?" Jessica giggles as Dorthy hands her a small box. As well as Jane she gave Jessica some clothes and necessities. But this gift was extra meaningful for Dorthy.

"We will just have to see!" Sam says as he helps her open the gift.

Jessica opens up a small box and inside was a tiny gold bracelet. It was just like the one that Dorthy and all of her daughters had. She was given a gold bracelet for her and Ann when she was first born. And it has been a traditions for all of the girls in the Lange family to have a gold bracelet when they are born.

Jessica cried as she looked at the beautiful little bracelet. Now her daughter was brought into the tradition.

"It's beautiful." Sam says

Jessica holds up her wrist and shows Sam hers. "It's the same one that me, my mom, and my sisters have." She says

"Wow, that's so amazing." Sam says

"Thank you, mom." Jessica cries as she hugs her mother

"Of course, honey."


After the shower Sam and George let the girls relax when they carried in the rest of the gifts that they had to open from the shower.

Jessica was feeling extra crappy and tired. She had been experiencing Braxton Hicks these last few weeks.

After Sam finished bringing in the gifts he sat on the couch next to Jessica and rubbed her feet.

"Today was so nice. Thank you mom." Jessica says

"Of course honey... if you'll excuse me, I'm
Going to make a quick phone call." She says leaving the room

"Hmmm, wonder who she has to call?" Jessica asks

"Dad probably.... I saw texts from him on moms phone earlier." Jane says

"Oh great." Ann says

"I'm not worrying about him anymore. This little girl is all that matters to me." Jessica smiles

"Do you guys want anything to drink?" Sam says

"Ice please." Jessica says

"Water is fine. I'm normal." Jane giggles

"Same for me, thanks Sam." Ann says

"All I've been craving is ice. It's so weird."

"Strange. You're just strange." George chuckles

"I'm not! It's normal!" Jessica pouts


Dorthys POV-

"You said you'd come!" Dorthy shouts

"Not to the shower. I can't ambush her there."

"There has been so many times! How many will be left until these kids just forget."

"Forget what?"


"Dorthy I-"

"I'm tired of giving you chances. If you are not there when Jessica has her baby and you can't accept Ann, then I'm filing for divorce. We've been happier than ever, without you."

Dorthy hands up the phone aggressively then sighs. She had been speaking back and forth with Albert, but it was getting old for her. She felt like she couldn't change him. He would just be grumpy and mean his whole life.


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