Traditions That Came To An End

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Christmas Eve:

Sam came to pick up Jessica to spend Christmas Eve at his parents house. Ann and Madison were doing their own thing for Christmas Eve so Jessica thought it would be fun to spend the evening with Sam's loving parents.

Jessica was sitting in Sam's truck driving in the icy roads all bundled up in her new jacket.

"I didn't think they made jackets this big." She giggles

"Is that the maternity one you got last week?"

"Yes, since none of mine fit." She laughs

"It looks very pretty."

Jessica pulled out the mirror on the truck and looked at her face.

"My face is so swollen. Goodness I look terrible. My lips!" She cries

"Stop that. You're beautiful."

"And plump."

"I find it sexy."

"Me, swollen and fat?"

"You're not fat, but yeah. You're sexy as hell baby."

"Stop..." she laughs as he grabs her inner thys.

"Should we pull over?" He laughs

"To pee? Yes!"

"I didn't-"

"I know what you meant, and no."


When they arrive to Sam's home Jessica's eyes glowed as she saw all of the Christmas lights that his family's ranch house. Jessica loved Sam's home. It was beyond beautiful and pretty large. Sam was a very fortunate kid, his family had all kinds of money and a big house to come with it.

"What If I'm not dressed fancy enough?"

"Please, you look stunning. Now let's go inside." He says as he parks the truck.

When she walks in all of Sam's family runs to Jessica giving her bug hugs and smiles. Sam's little sisters loved Jessica and were so excited about the baby.

And then there were his parents who adored Jessica. His mother Jane gave Jessica the biggest hug and kiss, along with his father.

"Look how glowing you are, Jessica!" His mother says

"Thank you, Jane." She smiles

"Our little grand baby is surely growing in there!" His father smiles

"Yes, she is!"

"Have you thought of a name, Jessie?" Sam's youngest sister Roxanne asks

"Not yet you stinker!" Sam says picking up his little sister and swinging her around.

She giggles and Jessica sits back and watches how well his family gets along and how much they truly love each other. Jessica wanted that with her parents, but, it was a waiting game. Soon, Jessica was ready to stop waiting and carry on with her life.

Sam's mother made a big dinner for the family. Sam's grandparents were there along with his cousins, aunts, and uncles. It was a full house for sure and Jessica loved the company.

After dinner they all gathered in the big family room to start opening gifts.

"Jessica, Sam, this one is for you!" Jane says handing them a big box.

"Oh goodness, Jane you didn't have to get us anything!" Jessica says. She only bought the family small gifts and didn't expect anything in return. But to the Shepard's, she was family.

"Open it! Open it!" His mother says

Sam and Jessica unwrap it together and inside was a beautiful quilt made for the baby. When Jessica saw it, she wanted to cry.

"Oh this is beautiful!" Jessica cries

"Oh honey, don't cry!" Sam's grandmother says

"Mom, thank you. This is an awesome gift."

"I guess I am starting early on spoiling the little girl."


Dorthy and Albert's house:

Every Christmas Eve Dorthy and Albert have a big celebration with their family before Christmas. This year was much different. Jane and George were up in their rooms while Dorthy sat alone on the couch and Albert was in his office. Big parts of the family were missing this season and it broke Dorthy's heart. She tried and tried to get Albert to allow her to call Jessica and Ann over, but he felt it was a sign of weakness and that the two of them need to know where they stand as parents. It made Dorthy angry. Christmas would be so better. George and Jane resented Dorthy and Albert, the family never spent time together unless it was for dinner. Dinners were quite and somber. Depressing to say the least.

Dorthy made a Christmas Eve dinner where no one really talked, then everyone cleaned up and went about doing their own thing.

This year Dorthy was the only one that decorated and picked out the tree unlike other years where it was a family tradition to decorate together.

Her heart ached for Jessica and Ann. All she wanted was to see them. But she felt that things were too deep to do any mending and she was scared. She couldn't go on like this anymore.

Dorthy got up from her spot on the couch and went upstairs to see Jane.

"Janey, can I come in?" Dorthy sniffles

Jane rolls her eyes then gets up to unlock the door and let her mother in.

"What?" She says

Then, she sees tears rolling from her mother's eyes.


"Honey, I can't do this anymore. Where is Jessica?" She cries


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