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"Babe... stop." Jessica giggles at her locker as Sam comes up behind her and grabs her butt.

"I'm sorry. I can't help myself." He chuckles

"You're high!" She says as she sniffs his shirt.

"Shhhhh." He whispers

She rolls her eyes and takes his hand. "Walk me to class?"

"Yeah, of course." He says as they start walking.

".... so there is this big party at Patrick's after homecoming. Do you think your parents will let you go?" He asks

"To the party? No. To Sarah's? Yes." She laughs

"Perfect. He needed a head count."

"I am so excited.. three weeks away."

"Dances aren't my thing." He sighs

"But you go for me. And I love that about you." She giggles as they reach her classroom.

"I'll see you after school? We can head to my house."

"Okay, I'll tell Jane to cover for me."


"Fuck! Fuck!" Jessica moans as she arches her back and clenches onto the soft white sheets. Sam was on top of her. Her eyes rolled back as she finished.

"Wow. That was so hot." He says as he pulls out

"I love you." She says breathlessly grabbing his face and kissing him.

He slides on his underwear and gets under the covers with her.

He takes her hand and holds it close to her face. Moments like this is what they lived for. Just being next to each other with calm and refreshing moments of silence.

"It's almost four..." she whispers with sadness

"Want me to take you back?" He says sitting up

"No, Jane texted me that she's on her way." She pouts

"Hey, don't be sad. You can always sneak over here or I can sneak to you." He smiles as he rubs her bare back.

"I hate this hiding. I hate my parents! I hate everything!" She cries

"Baby, don't cry..." he says

"I don't know why I'm so emotional... but I can't help it. I hate living in that house."

"Then live with me... I'm 18 now, I can get a place with you."

"No, it doesn't work like that. Ugh! Jane is saying that mom is making us go to bible study today too!" She whines


"You good?" Jane asks as she drives Jessica back.

"No, I'm not fine."

"Bad sex?" Jane giggles

"It's never bad." She smirks

"There's a smile! Now tell me, what's wrong?" Jane says sternly

"I hate how mom and dad won't let me date... and how much they hate Sam! I love Sam! That should be enough. This you can't date until you're 18 shit is stupid! Bible study is stupid! Dad is stupid!" She cries

"Awww, Jessie...."

"And next fall you'll be going far away for college too! What will I do without you?" Jessica whimpers

"Well, you'll have a car! And you can call me!" Jane smiles

"Owe!" Jessica says leaning over in pain.

"What?" Jane asks

"Nothing, just cramps... bad cramps. This day couldn't get any worse!"


A week later:

"Mom! My dress isn't fitting right anymore!" Jessica calls her from upstairs

"What do you mean sweetie? It was too big in the store." Dorthy says coming into her room

"Well now it's too small!" Jessica starts to cry as she struggles to zip the dress

"Oh honey, be careful!" Dorthy says taking the zipper

"I hate this!" She cries

"Honey, why are you crying? It's just a dress. And it's late at night... it's probably from the big dinner we had." Dorthy says comforting her

"I don't even want to go anymore." She says aggressively as she takes the dress off.

"How come? Because you don't have a date?" Dorthy says sitting down next to her.

"No." She huffs

"I know that's it... but dances are more fun with friends. You don't need a guy to have fun at a dance."

"K." She says

"Jessica, I don't know where your attitude is coming from, but I don't like it!" Dorthy says

"I don't have an attitude! I just want a life that isn't circled around family dinners, curfew, church, church, more church, and school!" She says standing up to her mother

"You're sixteen. There isn't anything more important than school. Sorry to break it to you." Dorthy crosses her arms

"And Sam! You guys hate Sam! Why! What's one good reason?" Jessica yells

"Jessica, we have been over this. But one big thing is that he's an adult! 18! And you're 16 barely. He drinks, he smokes, he has no ambition." Dorthy shakes her head

"But I like him!"

"Are you seeing him again? Is this why you're fussing?"

"You and dad are just so controlling!"

"Answer my question!" Dorthy yells

"No!" Jessica shouts

Dorthy sees Jessica's phone and quickly gets up and takes it.

"Mom! Stop!"

"Oh look! Messages from Sam. That's it missy, you're grounded from this phone until further notice! You disobeyed us and are still talking to him. We are going through this phone tonight!" Dorthy says leaving the room

"Mom!" Jessica yells

"That's it, Jessica." She says slamming the door.


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