A Walk In The Park

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A Few Days Later, Eloise's Baptism;

"Congratulations beautiful angel... grammie loves you so!" Jessica's grandma says as she holds Eloise in her big white dress.

Today Eloise was baptized. Jessica and Sam went back and fourth debating whether or not Eloise should be baptized. Religion was a big part of Jessica and Sam's life, but as they grew older they started to drift from the church and it's teachings. Sam and Jessica were afraid that their church wouldn't baptize Eloise because Sam and Jessica aren't married. Eventually, they decided to baptize Eloise in an Episcopal church. They liked the Episcopal church's teachings better.

They were proud of themselves as parents finding the right church that they'd want to raise their daughter in, even though it isn't a Catholic Church.

"She was so well behaved." Dorthy says to her mother

Everyone was dressed up for the occasion in their Sunday best. After the baptism Dorthy threw a little celebration at the house. They kept it small and it was just perfect.

"We have a pretty good baby." Sam says proudly

"I'm so happy for you two and doing this for the baby." Jane, Sam's mother says

Jessica gives them a soft smile then takes Eloise from her grandmother. "She's our sweet little girl." Jessica smiles

"Let me take a picture and of the cutest little family!" Ann says walking around with her camera

Jessica and Sam pose for the picture then Sam leaves a small kiss on Jessica's cheek.

Jessica and Sam picked Ann as the godmother and Sam's cousin John as The Godfather. Sam and Jessica handed Eloise off to them so they could get their pictures with her.

Sam pulled Jessica aside while they had a moment to themselves and gave her a long kiss.

"Sam, what was that for?" Jessica giggles as she pours herself an iced tea.

"I just wanted to say that I love you." He smiles

"I love you too." She says kissing him back

"Each day with Eloise makes it even more real that I am a father. It just blows my mind. And I feel so lucky, especially today. We've been through so much. Today just brings me a lot of joy. Things are all working out. All of our fears are out the window and I genuinely think we are the best parents ever." He says with passion

"Sam... that makes my heart ache..." Jessica smiles "I feel like we are doing pretty well ourselves."


July 15th;

Today everyone was working so it was just Jessica and Eloise. Days like this came around more often now. At first it was scary for Jessica to be alone with Eloise, but she slowly started gaining more confidence and felt really good when it was just her and the baby.

It was such a beautiful day, so Jessica decided to drive up to a park with Eloise and take a walk.

Jessica took her and Sam's car, since Sam's coworker picked him up early this morning. Driving with the baby was always extra scary, but they made it safely to the park.

Jessica took out the stroller and got Eloise situated for the park.

"Look honey, do you see the pretty lake?" Jessica says as she walks through the park "oh wait, you're facing me..." Jessica laughs

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