Sneaking Around

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The couple sat in the car after the game looking at the stars in the bed of his truck. It was late and Jessica had twenty minutes to get home before her parents questioned her whereabouts. She didn't care to move, she just wanted to stay in Sam's arms.

"I love it here." She whispers as she curls up closer to him

"I love this place with you." He smiles

"I don't want to go home." She pouts

Sam sits up and and follows him. "Well I should get you home before your father finds out that you were with me and kicks my ass... again." He huffs

Jessica sighs "He doesn't hate you... he just hates that I'm with you."

"Same thing Jess. Your parents never liked me." He says aggressively

"Because they don't want me dating." He says with a sad face

"Because god will send you to hell, right? And all that bull shit?" He mumbles

"Sam stop. You know how important religion is to me and my family...."

"But that hasn't stopped you... from a lot of things." He smiles as he grabs her breast

"Oh goodness." She laughs as he takes off her shirt. Her bra was in the front seat from earlier, so it made it easier for him to touch her.

"Could you imagine your mom and dad finding out all of the dirty things you do." He whispers

"No..." she says has he silences her with a long kiss.

"We can't do another round. I'm too tired." She whispers

"Okay... but I don't want to take you home yet." He says

"I just want to be in your arms forever." She smiles

He looks into her shiny blue eyes and smiles as he plays with her hair.

"I wish you and I could just run away somewhere warm and nice. Live our own lives how we want too. Not give a crap about anything expect for each other." He says

"But our families..." she pouts

"Jessica, you'd be free."


It was one in the morning when Sam pulled up to their driveway.

"I love you..." she smiles

"I love you too. Don't get killed in there." He says as he grabs her breast one last time.

Jessica hops out of the car and closes the door. Sam drives off fast in his camaro ,most definitely waking up her parents. She runs to the gate leading to the backyard. Just in case the alarm went off in the house, she climbs up the terrace leading to her bedroom.

She carefully climbs up and into the window where she finally reaches her room. After she is able to catch her breath she sees her mother and father sitting on her bed, in their robes, with their arms crossed.

"Where have you been? The game ended four hours ago." Dorthy says

Jessica has been through this before. Her parents hated Sam. If they knew she was with him and only with him, they would have a fit.

"I'm sorry. Sarah and I went out with our friends to the burger place and hung out there until now! We were having a good time." She smiles

Albert stands up and sniffs her. "You smell like you've been in that boys car again." He huffs as he smells another mans cologne.

"Bella dropped me off in her dads car. Maybe if I could drive?" She sighs

"And you know why you can't! Your older sibling didn't get their....-" Dorthy says

"Their driver's license until they were 18, I know." She huffs

"Cut the attitude missy." Albert hisses

"I'm sorry, I was just out late and climbed through the window so I didn't wake you all up!"

"I've given you warnings, Jessica. I don't want you seeing that boy. His intentions are wrong and he's the town stoner. I don't need my daughter being seen with someone like him." Albert says

"But dad he's not-"

"Save yourself before you wreck yourself." He snaps

Jessica sighs and throws herself on the bed.

"we will talk about this in the morning young lady. Go to bed. Ann is coming home from college tomorrow and we have a whole day planned." Dorthy says as she leans in and kisses her goodnight.

"Goodnight." Dorthy and Albert say

"Good night." She mumbles

When the door finally closes she reaches in for her phone and calls Sam.

"How bad was it?" He asks

"Well, they were waiting in my room for me. They knew I was in a car with you, even though I said Bella drove me home..." She says with sadness

"Did they see the hickey on your neck?"

"You left a hickey!" She whispers harshly

"Sorry..." he chuckles

"But I want you so badly right now..." she whispers

"We went at it a few times, and you want more?"

"Yess." She whispers seductively

"That's pretty hot. Want me to come back and pick you up? Or sneak in?"

"Neither. Ann will be here bright and early tomorrow. And my parents already have a close eye on me." She says

"Maybe you can snap me?" He says

"Maybe." She giggles

"Good night. I love you."

"I love you too."

Jessica started dating Sam her sophomore year of high school. It was their first few weeks of junior year where Jessica and Sam could see each other everyday at school, unlike summer when Jessica was at church camp for four weeks and traveled with her family. Albert and Dorthy never let her go out, so it was hard for her to see Sam.

Dorthy and Albert found out about Jessica and Sam last Halloween. Ever since then, they have refused to let her be with him. He was the town junkie, he partied drank and smoked. Jessica swore that she had ended things, but for almost a year now, they were still seeing each other.

Jessica's family was very strict, especially when it came to religion. They believed that Sam was pulling her away from her faith. If they had ever found out the things she had done, she would never be aloud to leave the house. that didn't stop her. Being with Sam has opened her mind. He was so exciting and felt like she was living the most when she was with him. They truly loved each other. At least that's what Jessica had thought.

She is the youngest girl in her family and her parents protected her even more after raising her two older sisters Jane and Ann. Jane partied and drank a lot as well. Everyone in the family believes that Jessica is the goodie expect for Jane who knew Jessica inside and out. She was the one to help her out of trouble whenever she needed it or covered for her. Same went for Jessica with Jane.

George was the quite one who just sat and watched his sisters do what they pleased without saying a word.

All Jessica wants is for her family to support her and allow her to be with Sam. She knew it would never happen. That's what kills her the most.

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