How Long Has It Been

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Later that night:

"Hey baby, I'm home!" Sam says as he walks into the bedroom.

Jessica looked at him then back at Eloise who she was breastfeeding.

"Not even a hi?" He sighs

"When were you going to tell me?" She says sternly

"Tell you what?" He says with confusion

"Don't play stupid. I do your laundry, I'm not stupid." She hisses

"Whoa, if you're accusing me of cheating, you're crazy!" He says nervously

"Not that! The fifteen thousand in this new secret account! I found the receipt in your jeans. I didn't even recognize the account number!"

Sam sighs then runs his hands through his hair. He sits at the end of the bed and turns to Jessica.

"It's my savings account that my grandparents made for me... I put it in there for backup." He says

"Where are you getting almost sixteen thousand dollars from?" Jessica says to him

"My parents.... they gave it to me the day we went to the pool. I didn't tell you because..."

"We tell each other everything... why wouldn't you tell me? Because you knew I'd tell you to give it back?" She says

"Yes... and because it's money that I'm going to use to take care of you. I want you to be happy and not see those shitty doctors at the clinic." He says quickly

Jessica stops for a moment and processes what Sam just told her. She couldn't believe his parents gave her money for her. She felt so embarrassed and helpless. She didn't want sam to have all this money to take care of her.

"Sam- you can't use this money on me." She cries

"I love you, okay? And I'm scared to leave you." He says breathlessly

Jessica looks up at him with tears in her eyes. It really hit her that he was leaving. Sam was her everything. For so long she has spent every single day with him. Him leaving didn't sit right with her.

"...I'm worried for you, okay? What happened at the park really scared the shit out of me! I never want you to feel like that ever again. I just kept thinking how alone you must have felt for so long. I hate myself for not asking you how you are more and not making myself more available to you. Jess, honey. You've been through so much and I put you through a lot during your pregnancy. I wasn't there for you more when you were living at Ann's and-"

"Sam, stop it. Stop saying all of this. It isn't true. Please, none of this is because of you. You've been there for me through thick and thin. Just you being next to me makes me feel better, or driving in the car with you, when you hold my hand everywhere. Sam I couldn't ask for anything more. Me keeping it all in was nothing personal. And I can't imagine how frustrating it has been for you, watching me not take care of myself, I'm sorry." She cries

She reaches for his hand as he looks at her with watery eyes. Sam was the most affectionate person. He was so loving and cared for everyone so much. All he wanted was for Jessica to be happy and to never hurt. Seeing her go through all the toxic things life has handed her broke him even more.

"I was going to tell you about the money before I leave. When I'm gone I don't want you to have to start working yet. It will be your senior year and I know how much it kills you to be away from Eloise. You'll already have so much on your plate and I don't want you to carry that extra stress. I was hoping that we could also set aside some money for the future." He says

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