You Need To Eat

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The next day;

In Eloise's room was a couch and reclining chair. Jessica took the couch and Sam took the chair to sleep in on their first night. But it was hard for them to close their eyes. Nurses were coming in every hour to check on her. Every little noise she made alarmed Jessica and Sam.

They felt like their weren't cut out for this. They didn't know what to do for their baby. They felt so scared for her and just wanted to take her home.

The doctor was keeping an eye on her lungs to monitor the amount of fluid and see if she needed a procedure to get chest tubes.

Jessica and Sam felt drained. They had no energy and were running off of fear.

When the sun came out Jessica stood next to Eloise for hours just watching her and talking to her.

"This little light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine...." Jessica sings before she starts to choke up.

Sam knew she was about to cry so he came up behind Jessica and held her.

"I just want to hold her." Jessica whimpers

"I do too... but she'll be better before you know it."

"I don't want her to have to get chest tubes."

"Let's just pray that she doesn't." Sam sighs

Sam's phone started to ring. He quickly answered it before it woke up the baby.

"Hello?" Sam says

"Sam, it's mom. What's going on?" She panics

"Eloise is the same today. We are just waiting for the doctor to tell us if she needs the chest tubes or not." He says with sadness

"What can we do for you and Jessica? Is there anything you guys need?" Jane asks

"We may need some more clothes. Dorthy is bringing those by, but they have everything for the baby."

"And we can't come see her?"

"No. We want to be extra careful. The little girl can't risk getting even more sick."

"Alright, give Jessica my best. I love you both."

"Love you too, mom."

"My mom gives her best." Sam says

"Aww, thanks sweet." She says softly

"Why don't you try to rest? I can stand here next to her."

"I can't sleep." Jessica says

"Honey.... you have to sleep."

"Maybe I'll take a shower." She says looking towards the bathroom.

"Okay. Just give your body a break." He says kissing her


Day 4;

Over the last four days Eloise's health stays consistent. She was still the same as she was when she first got to the hospital. But, her wheezing became more and more profound. Jessica was worried that this would make the doctor want to put in chest tubes.

Sam and Jessica waited for rounds to talk to the doctor. They were a nervous wreck. Eloise wasn't getting better, she was staying the same.

"Let's just pray..." Jessica says

"Okay. We can pray." Sam says taking her hands

Sam and Jessica how their heads and say their own prayers before the doctor arrives.

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