Bad Terms

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The next morning:

Ann was on her way home from college this morning. She was about 30 minutes  away, but her mom always begged her to come home on the weekends whenever she could. She is in her senior year of college and is the eldest child of the Lange family.

Ann tried to stay away from home as much as she could due to her relationship with her father mostly. They never saw eye to eye. Ann did everything in high school and in college. She was no longer part of the church either which made both of her parents very upset.

Albert believed that Ann was a bad influence on her younger sisters as well. He hated when they were all alone together. Little does Albert know, she only comes home to see her younger siblings and tries to avoid her dad as much as possible.

Jessica, Ann, and Jane were the closest out of everyone. They all knew each other inside and out and told each other everything.

"Ann! Honey! You're home!" Dorthy smiles as she walks through the door.

"Hey mom! Hey everybody!" She waves

"Ann! Yes!" Jane says standing up to give her a hug.

Jessica and George follow after Jane and say their hellos.

"So, Ann, what should we do today?" Dorthy asks as they all sit down

"I told Jessica and Jane I would take them dress shopping for the dance... maybe hang out with them and get lunch? Then we can come back for dinner?" Ann says, winking at her sisters.

"What about me? I would love to go! Besides, your dad and George have to head over to soccer practice soon!" Dorthy smiles

"I guess you can come mom." Jane says

"Yeah, we can make a girls day." Jessica smiles

"Great! I'll go get my purse."


Ann drove them all to the city to look for homecoming dresses for Jane and Jessica.

Jessica was going with sam, but she had to hide it from her parents. It was hard at times like this that things had to be a secret. She wanted to have pictures with him and her parents, but that wasn't possible. It was another lie under her belt.

While Dorthy picked out some dresses Jane Ann and Jessica stood in a little circle.

"Sam thinks I look good in white? Should I find a white one?" Jessica whispers

"White would look so good on you! Or a beige color with some sparkles?" Ann suggests

"Ahhh, I like that." Jane nods

Then, Dorthy walks over. "What are you three whispering about?" She huffs

"Nothing mom!" Jane says

"Well here are some dresses. A little bit more appropriate so your dad doesn't have a cow!" Dorthy chuckles

"Mom, don't you get annoyed of dad being so controlling of us?" Ann says in a stern tone

"No, because it's our jobs. Now Ann, you and your father need to be on better terms!"

"Not now mom... he doesn't like me I don't like him."

"Now don't say that!" Dorthy huffs

"Anyways, let's see what you got mom!"


They spent an hour or so trying on dresses. Jessica sent pictures to Sam along the way which made things take longer. But she finally found the right dress and he loved it too.

As they are on their way back Jessica keeps texting Sam back and forth.

"You looked so sexy in that dress. I can't wait to take it off of you after homecoming."

"Thank you baby. I picked it out just for you..."

"When can I see you? Do you think Ann or Jane can cover for you tonight?"

"I want to see you so badly, but Ann wants us to spend time with her. Things with her and my dad are getting worse and she may not come home that
Much now that she has an apartment."

"Damn it... okay. Call me later. I want to hear your voice."



"Your favorite Ann!" Dorthy says as she serves everyone

"Thanks mom, looks great." Ann smiles

"I am going to need more so I can make weigh in." George says

"George, you're fourteen... you don't need to worry about weighing 1000 pounds like the seniors on the football team." Jessica says

"Yeah I do. You don't know anything miss volleyball." He chuckles

"So Ann, how much longer on that lease?" Albert asks, trying to make conversation.

"Two years." She says quietly

"Two years? Honey I thought you will be moving back home after college?" Dorthy sighs

"No, I can't live here." She hisses

Albert rolls his eyes. "Our house is perfectly fine."

"Not really." Ann snaps

"You know Ann. You have it very nice. I pay for your college, your car.... your food." Albert says

"Okay, but money can't buy love."

"Oh this again?" Albert fires back

"You know what, let's not do this now." Dorthy sighs


Things were pretty heated after dinner. Ann went upstairs with her sisters and hung out in Jessica's room. They listened to music and talked.

"Can we go on the roof? I brought some stuff that I want to smoke and I just need to talk." Ann sighs

"Sure. Only if you let me take a hit." Jane says

"Of course..."

The three sisters climb up on the roof from Jessica's balcony and sit up there bundled up.

Ann and Jane start smoking weed while Jessica sits back. She wasn't big on smoking. She promised Sam her first time would be with him, when she's ready.

"I have something to tell you guys." Ann says

"Yeah?" Jessica asks

"Is everything good?"

"I had Maddie move in with me." Ann smiles

"What! Really?" Jessica smiles

Maddison was Ann's girlfriend of three years. Only Jane and Jessica knew that their sister was gay. It was a big secret that Ann didn't want to tell her parents until she had no connections to them, like college and her car.

Ann knew her catholic old school  parents would never support her and she couldn't handle that heart break. Albert would shun her and never let her step foot in the house again which was why Ann was so distant from her father.

"Yeah, it's great. I want to marry her." Ann smiles

"Aww, Ann!" Jane giggles

"Her parents helped us get some new furniture too. I love them. They are just so accepting and sweet." Ann smiles. Then, goes sad thinking about her parents and how much she craved for them to change their views.

"Ann, you don't have to tell them if you don't want too." Jessica says taking her hand

"I know... but I just need to tell you guys that I won't be home for thanksgiving. I want to spend the holidays with my girlfriend and you guys! But I owe it to her to be with her on holidays. I can't bring her here." Ann tears up

"That's okay, Ann. We understand. She's your person."


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