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"Jessica Phyllis Lange, get down here right now!" Dorthy yells from downstairs.

It had been the next morning, which gave Dorthy and Albert just enough time to read through Jessica's phone. She was smart enough to always delete her messages and had code names for Sam on other social platforms, but it was hard for them to go through her photos and Instagram messages.

Jessica slowly came down the stairs, scared for what would happen next. Even though there was nothing more her parents could do.

"Yes?" She says

"Sit down, please." Albert says

She sits at the table, across from her parents with her phone in their hand.

"I'm very upset. Do you know why?" Albert says

"Because I was talking to Sam, behind your back."

"Yes. And from the looks of these images, you've snuck up multiple times, with him."

Jessica sits there, numb. The last thing she wanted to hear was that her father was disappointed in her.

"Jessica, we are worried for you. You are acting out, lying, sneaking. What is next? Drugs?" Dorthy says

"I do not do drugs." She says

"Well that's good to hear, at least." Dorthy says

"You disobeyed your mother and i's wishes. You are too young to date. You are sixteen. Sixteen year olds have no business dating. Just studying." Albert adds

"Jessica, you haven't been having sex with this boy? Have you?" She says with concern

Jessica was quite... then shook her head "no! Who do you think I am?" Jessica says

They let out a deep breath. "I'm beyond angry, Jessica. I do not want you seeing that boy anymore. And if that means keeping you in this house when you're not at school, then so be it!"

Jessica didn't back talk her father. She knew she would dig herself even deeper. But she couldn't help but cry.... it killed her.

"If you just gave him a chance... as my friend." She whimpers

"No." He says

"But dad. He's my friend." Jessica cries

"He's more than a friend to you Jessica. And that is what we don't want."

"Tell him it's over at school and that's it. You will not have your phone for a month, until you learn your lesson."

"Please don't do this! I love him!" She cries

"Homecoming is out of the question." Albert adds

"I hate this!" She says standing up and storming off to her room.


Later that night Jessica had been in her room crying nonstop. She couldn't believe how she had been so stupid to let her parents find out about Sam. They were going strong for so long. She just wanted more freedom. Her parents had always been strict and controlling and she had the last of it. She wanted to be treated differently, not like the good baby girl they always believed she was.

It made her feel reckless. Like she wanted to get up and just leave.

And homecoming.... all she wanted was to spend the night with Sam and had a beautiful night. Her parents took that from her.

She only wished they understood her and how much she loves Sam and how good he is to her.

While she sat in her room, in the dark, crying, Dorthy had come in. The whole day Jessica didn't speak to her parents. She planned on not speaking to them at all for a while.

"Jessie... you didn't come down for dinner." She says turning on the light

There was so response from her.

"Jess... talk to me, baby." Dorthy says sitting at the end of the bed.

"There's nothing to talk about. Please leave."

"I can't have you angry at me. You have to understand we are doing this to protect you."

Jessica got so angry. She stood up and looked at her mother with tears in her eyes. "Protect me from what?"

"Childish mistakes. What if he takes advantage of you?"

"You have some messed up narrative in your head." Jessica snaps

"Jessie..." she says as her daughter cries

"Stop saying my name! Leave!" She shouts

"I-I'm sorry."

"I don't care. You have this big image in your head that all of your kids have to be perfect little children of god. No sex until marriage, no boyfriends, no drinks, nothing! It's so fucked up!"

"Watch your language!"

"Leave!" Jessica yells

Dorthy sighs and gets up. She looks at Jessica then the door, leaving her alone.


"Hey. It's me!" Jane says at the door

"Come In" Jessica whispers

"I brought you something." She says closing the door behind her.

Jane hands her an old phone. It only worked on WiFi, but still a way for Jessica to talk to Sam.

"Oh my god, thank you! I forgot about this!" Jessica says as she types in Sam's number.

"Of course. Go see him. I'll cover for you! Mom and dad think I'm going out, but I'm not. I'll just sleep in your bed." Jane smiles

Jessica looks at Jane with teary eyes and gives her a hug. "Thank you."


Not even fifteen minutes later and Jessica had snuck out of the house and walked a block to reach Sam where he had parked his car. When she saw him she couldn't stop crying.

"Sam." She cries

"Hey baby... tell me everything. I'll drive us to get a milkshake." He says

"Okay... thank you for coming and getting me."


They sat in the parking lot of the restaurant and talked.

"Jessica, you and I need to leave this place. We don't belong here." He says

"I can't leave... even if I tried." She cries

"What if we went somewhere where they'd never find us."

"If we get caught. You'll be in so much trouble since you're eighteen. I'm not putting you at risks." She shakes her head

He takes her hand, leans in, and kisses her. "I promise no matter what, I'll love you and be there for you. I promise I'll get you out of this town and take you wherever you want. I'll wait for you until high schools over. I'll drop everything for you, whenever." He says sincerely

"I love you." She says kissing him back

"Your parents... I don't know what to say, because they are your parents and obviously they love you. But my image to them is twisted." He shakes his head

"And im sorry." She cries

"What about homecoming?" He asks

"I'm sneaking out and going. I don't care what they have to say. I'm going with you to that party too. At this point, I'm dead meat anyways...."


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