My Best Friend

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The next morning Jessica woke up in Sam's arms. She stayed the night at his house because she couldn't bare facing anyone. It was six in the morning and it was time for them to go to school.

Jessica was up all night crying. She told Sam everything and explained all of her feelings. She barely got any sleep in or study time. Now she was more nervous than ever to go take her exam.

"I'm going to fail my classes." She cries

"No you're not. If I got through it, you most certainly can Miss Straight A's."

"Sam it's not like that. My head isn't even on right." She cries

"Honey... you have to shove all that shit with your mom to the side today and worry about it when you're ready." He says

Jessica sniffles and wipes her eyes. "Your parents don't wake up this early, right? I don't want them seeing me like this."

"Seeing you like what?"

"A mess up." She cries

"Stop that. You know what I see?" He says

"What?" She says turning to him with tears filled up in her eyes.

"I see a beautiful, intelligent, and amazing girl sitting in front of me. You're so mature and bright. Literally Jessica Lange.... the most stunning woman ever." He says

Jessica falls into Sam's arms and cries hard. "Thank you." She cries

"I also see a wonderful mother too. Because I know that you're going to be the best mother to our daughter. You're so strong, baby. I couldn't ask for another person to go through this all with. So much that I want to marry you one day. Somewhere nice and quite with our little girl in our hands, watching their parents who love each other more than life itself, commit to each other until the end. A lot of people have come in gone in your life, but I'm here till the end Jessica. You'll always have me. Whatever you decide with your mother. Even if you decide you don't want me anymore, I'll still be there." He says

"I'd never want anyone that isn't you." She cries

"So you'd marry me one day?"

"You want to marry me?" She cries

Never have the ever talked about marriage before. It was a first for them.

"Yes, one thousand percent yes. I wouldn't be the man I am today without you. You've helped me grow, you've taught me how to love, and I'm now in training on being the best dad possible. Even if there wasn't a baby, I'd marry you in an instant."

"I'd marry you too." She giggles

"Now come on... get ready and be the best you can be. You deserve that."


After Jessica's exam, Sam was waiting outside the door for her.

She comes running to him with the biggest smile on her face. "I did it." She smiles

"I know you could." He says kissing her forehead.

"No PDA!" The teacher says to the two of them with a smile

"Sorry, Ma'am." He says taking Jessica's hand and running towards the front door.

"Sam, where are we going?"

"Our midterms are done for the day! We can leave." He says

Jessica giggles as she walks out the front door with Sam and straight to his truck.

Jane watched from a distance as she was leaving her class to see Sam and Jessica happily running off together. It only gave her hope that maybe Jessica made amends with her mother.

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