Coming Home

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After the Procedure Jessica and Sam were allowed back into the room to see their baby. Jessica had calmed down a bit from lunch and now all she wanted to focus on was Eloise and her getting better.

When Jessica saw the tubes on both sides of Eloise's chests she began to cry. She looked so uncomfortable and unhappy. But the doctors said the procedure was a success because her oxygen levels were already bouncing back up.

Over the next few days Jessica and Sam waited patiently for more good news. It has been a week at the hospital. Sam and Jessica haven't stepped outside of it once. They've stayed inside with the baby, wearing their masks, and secretly going crazy.


Day 8;

"We have some good news." The doctor says walking into the room.

"Really? What is it?" Sam says

"She's all cleared to be held and fed by you guys. We didn't expect the oxygen levels to be back to normal so fast, it just goes to show how much she needed these tubes." He says

Jessica let's out a sigh of relief "So it's safe to breast feed again? And to hold her?" Jessica smiles

"Yes... I think tomorrow we will take her off the oxygen and see how she does. If she goes 48 hours without any problems I think we can send her home in the next seventy two hours."

"Yes! She did it! My strong little girl!" Sam says turning to Jessica and hugging her.

"Mom, want to do the honors?" The nurse says as she opens the little box that Eloise had been sleeping in.

Jessica's eyes were filled with tears. She walks over to the nurse as she places Eloise in her hands.

Having her baby back in her arms gave Jessica the best feeling ever. She had never been more relieved in her life. Eloise slowly started opening her eyes. When Sam peaked over Jessica's shoulder Eloise let out a small noise with a smile.

"Oh what a happy baby she is!" Sam says

"Her feeding time is coming up pretty soon." The nurses say.

"Are you hungry baby girl?" Jessica says slowly sitting down. Jessica couldn't move to far away. She had to stay close to all of the IV's and monitors that Eloise was hooked up to.

Jessica fixes herself and begins to feed Eloise. The nurses and doctors leave giving Jessica and Sam privacy.

Eloise latched immediately and Jessica had the biggest smile on her face.

"I didn't think I'd miss this so much." Jessica laughs

"You know you missed feeding her." Sam says kneeling down next to the chair.

"I can't believe how well she is doing. She really is so strong." Jessica smiles

"God I prayed so hard for her." He says with tears in his eyes

"Me too..."

"Now she's so close to going home."


72 hours later;

After three days Eloise was finally cleared to go home. Sam left the hospital for the first time in eleven days to go get the car from the lake house and bring it to the hospital so that they could head home.

Jessica missed being home and staying on a regular schedule. Now that Eloise was coming home Jessica planned on staying in the house for a while. Her immune system was still very weak and she could not handle being sick again. It would be too much her for little body.

Jessica and Sam definitely had anxiety about leaving the hospital. They are more nervous now than they were when they brought her home for the first time. Jessica planned on watching her all day to check her breathing and make sure that she was doing okay.

Before Eloise is discharged they had to go in and remove her chest tubes. Jessica was most excited about that. She knew it was very uncomfortable for the baby and painful.

Sam wanted to make sure everything was ready for Eloise to come home. He cleaned and sanitized everything including the car. He packed up all of his and Jessica's things along with taking care of Eloise's insurance and making sure it was a nice transition back to real life.

When it was time to leave Sam booked the car seat back up and Jessica sat in the back with the baby.

"Ready?" Sam asks with a smile

"I think so. How about you little girl?" Jessica says to the baby

She was half asleep. Jessica leaned in, gave her a kiss then gave Sam the okay to start driving back.

Before arriving home Jessica made sure some things were delivered to the house for Eloise. Jessica ordered the nebulizer that the doctors recommended, a humidifier, and face masks for the family. She also got a little slipper for the baby to wear at night. It is linked to Jessica's phone to help her keep track of Eloise's vitals.

When they arrive home Jessica's family was kind enough to put on some masks just for a week or so giving Eloise time to recover.

"My grand baby is back!" Dorthy smiles as Sam carriers her in.

"She's home!" He says with a big smile

"Finally." Jessica sighs

"You two look so tired." Jane says

"We haven't seen a bed In eleven days." Sam chuckles

"Thanks for wearing the masks. It's just for a little bit." Jessica says as she holds Eloise in her arms.

"She's just such a sweetie. Anything for her." Dorthy smiles


Later that night after a long nap with the baby and some normal food, Jessica and Sam were upstairs getting ready for their night to end. Eloise was fast asleep in her little bassinet next to Jessica's bed side. Jessica watched her phone to check on the little monitor that was on Eloise's foot.

"The doctor said as long as the numbers look like this, we are okay." Jessica says showing Sam

"I feel so bad for her." Sam sighs

"I do too."

"All of the needles and medicine. The chest tubes... I'm just glad she can catch a bit of a break." Sam says

"Well all there is not is the nebulizer and the little foot monitor that i bought." Jessica tries to say In a good way.

"I'm proud of us for getting through it." Sam says leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you." Jessica whispers

"I love you too."


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