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May 29th;

"Happy one month angel." Sam says as he changed Eloises clothes for the day.

"Mommy's little girl is so adorable!" Jessica says squeezing her cheeks

Eloise smiles and squirms around when she sees her mother.

"Aww, look at that big girl smile!" Sam says picking her up and holding her.

"Is Ellie Bean ready to go on a walk?" Jessica says as she puts her tennis shoes on.

Now that Jessica was almost fully recovered from birth, she wanted to start losing the baby weight and start feeling like herself again.

After the baby Jessica developed postpartum depression. She was feeling really down and was always emotional. Especially now. Ever since seeing Albert at the graduation Jessica hasn't been the same. She just has the fear that she'll have to face him again. But, there was a lot going on between Dorthy and Albert. They were fighting. It put a lot of stress on Jessica.

Dorthy just suggested that it's best for Jessica to get out of the house more and maybe that would help her start feeling better.

So it was a new day and time for another walk this week.

The couple walks down the stairs and set up the stroller for Eloise.

"Are you guys going on another walk?" Dorthy asks as she sits at the kitchen table with all sorts of papers.

"Yeah! It's a nice day." Jessica smiles

"Be safe! Did you put some sun lotion on her? I know it's not that sunny but it's best to protect her skin."

"Yep, we did!" Sam smiles

"Let me see my little grand baby." Dorthy says walking over to the stroller

It was a hard time for Dorthy right now. She was contemplating divorce at the moment and was feeling very down. It was an emotional time for everyone, but it seemed that Eloise was the one who made everyone smile.

"She's so happy." Dorthy says

"She's a giggly one today!" Jessica smiles

"Well you two go on! Enjoy your walk!"


Sam and Jessica start their walk around the neighborhood. It was such a pretty time in Minnesota. Flowers were blooming, everything was becoming green again. The air was so fresh and the little breeze was soothing.

"Should I do squats while I walk?" Jessica says stopping and doing a squat.

"As hot as it is, probably not." Sam chuckles

"Look how good that form is though, babe." She says doing another one a few steps later

"Jess. Are you trying to turn me on?" He says

"How am I turning you on?" She smirks

"Just because your ass looks so good." He says trying to grab it

"Off limits. Remember? I'd like to wait another month." She says

"Another month?"

"Yes, a baby literally came out of me. I heard the first time hurts."

"I'd be gentle." He smiles

"Keep walking, dad!" She chuckles

"She's laughing at you." Sam says

"No she's not. She's laughing at you." Jessica jokes

"God I love this life." He says

"Me too. Isn't she perfect?" Jessica says taking Sam's hand as he pushes the stroller

"Yeah. I just get to look at that cute face everyday."


After their walk they went inside to have lunch. While Sam made some food Jessica sat in the kitchen with him while she fed Eloise.

"Owe, baby you're hurting mommy." Jessica says softly as Eloise breast feeds

"You good?" Sam asks

"Yeah... it's like she's chewing on my nipple." Jessica chuckles

"Is it just me, or is the house extra quite?" Sam says looking around

"Jane is with friends, George spent the night at our cousins house, and I guess my mom left while we were gone." She says

"Wow. Is this the first time we've had the whole house to ourselves?" Sam chuckles

"I think so." She smiles

"Lunch is served!" Sam says giving Jessica her plate

"Yummy! I'll eat when she's done." Jessica says

"I feel like these walks are really beneficial for the baby. She is sleeping so much better. Especially when we walk twice a day." Sam says

"I noticed that too. Of course she still wakes us up, but it's only every three or four hours. Not that bad, I'd say." Jessica smiles

"She's a precious little girl."


Dorthys POV:

Today Dorthy was heading over to her old house to see Albert. Dorthy was really glad to see Albert at Jane's graduation, but things slowly went down hill from there.

Dorthy was willing to give Albert another chance to redeem himself. But he was too stubborn.

Dorthy's life has been pretty amazing without Albert. She has come to notice when he does pop in, her life goes to hell and she's miserable. She knew it was time to take the next step.

She walked in using her hold key and saw Albert on the couch reading.

It's almost as if he didn't notice that everyone was gone. All of the kids rooms were empty, there wasn't much spirit left in the house. It was bare and quite.

"Hello." He says standing up to give Dorthy a hug. She quickly backed away and headed towards the table.

"We have to talk." She says sternly

"Yeah. We do." He says sitting down across from her

"I want a divorce." She says

Albert sat back for a moment and shook his head. "You're out of your mind. Divorce?"

"Yes, Albert. Over these last few months I've found myself happier than ever. Same with the kids. I've come to realize that I don't need you."

"Dorthy... why don't you just move back in and we can try this again."

"What about Jessica and Sam?"

"Dorthy, he can't live with us. And if Jessica is mature enough to have a baby she can live on her own."

"And Ann?"

"I don't want to be apart of that." He says

"That's our problem. How can I love a man that doesn't care about our children?"

"Dorthy, they have made mistakes and mistakes come with consequences."

"God damn it, Al! You're so fucking stubborn! I can't get anything through your thick skull. Jessica has a baby and Ann is marrying Madison! Nothing is going to change. This is who our kids are. I am beyond proud of them. I love all of our children so much it makes my heart hurt. Even if things were to work, our family would still be broken if we got back together. You've done unforgivable things to all of our children. George wanted his father... but you never came around. Jane craved your attention, but never got it. All Jessica ever wanted from you, ever since she was a little girl was your approval. And poor Ann, she just wanted your support. You are incapable of being a good father and a husband. So, I just wanted to let you know that I'm filing. After we get some legal stuff out of the way I will come and grab the rest of my belongings. You broke us, Albert. But good news, we are doing better without you."


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