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A few hours later:

Ever since the ambulance took Jessica to the hospital, she's been closely monitored and was given some medicine to relax her. Her panic attack or "episode" lasted an hour and a half. When they were finally able to get Jessica relax they had come doctors come in and talk to her.

For months now everyone has known that Jessica hasn't been the same. That doesn't mean that she's been a terrible mother or won't do anything, she's doing everything and more. It's come to the point where she finally broke.

As scary as today was, it was a relief to them as well. She could finally get help now and come to terms with her recent mental health.

Sam's parents took Eloise for the night so Sam and Jessica didn't have that extra worry right now.

Dorthy rushed to the hospital right away when she got the call. Sam and Dorthy have not left Jessica's side.

Dorthy was a mess. She felt so guilty and terrible. She wished she had done something sooner to help Jessica, but she was a bit too late for that.

"When can I go home?" Jessica mumbles

She was a big out of it from the medication but was lucid enough to know what was going on.

"Soon, baby..." Sam smiles

"What about Eloise?" She sighs

Sam takes her hand "she's with my mom. She's being an angel. Don't worry."

Then Jessica looks at Dorthy. She was sitting in the chair thinking to herself.

"Mom?" She whispers

"Huh? Yes? I'm right here." She says snapping out of her day dream.

"Are you alright?" Sam asks her

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking. When we get home we have to find you a therapist and another doctor for medication. So I'm just planning it all out." Dorthy says

"I'm not going to take medication." Jessica says sternly

"What do you mean?" Dorthy says

"I'm still breastfeeding... and I don't want to be pumped up with medication over a one time thing. Today was just... a bad day."

"A bad day? Jessica look where you are! Honey you're not okay. You've been off for so long. Don't you think today was your breaking point?" Dorthy starts to get flustered with Jessica. She knew that medication is what she needed for the time being, but Jessica was very stubborn.

"Mom." Jessica says

"What if this happens again? Then what? What if you're alone and you hyperventilate like you did today and so on... I know breastfeeding is important but she would be okay on formula. You have to put yourself first." Dorthy panics

Sam doesn't get in the middle. As much as he wanted Jessica to take medicine too, he knew she wouldn't. As her partner, it's important for him to have her back, and now was the time.

"Mom... please. Stop." Jessica howls

"Why don't you talk to me about what's going on? What ever happened today, sweetie? What am I doing wrong? Please... tell me what we have to do." She cries


Around ten Jessica was being discharged. They gave her medicine to take for a month until she finds a doctor that she likes, but Jessica had no intentions of taking it. The hospital also provided therapist for Jessica to talk to.

While she was in the hospital the doctors did a great job talking to her and trying to get down to the bottom of what happened today. It was too embarrassing for Jessica to tell Sam or her mother. She didn't want them to feel responsible or think they did something wrong, because they didn't.

While Jessica was changing Sam and Dorthy stepped outside and waited for her to change.

"Sam... please, you have to tell her to take these meds." Dorthy says

Sam sighs "Dorthy, I don't know if I can." He says

"I know she's being stubborn but you and I both know it will be best for her... this is just the beginning of something bad." She stresses

"I'll do my best. But give me a few days. Just to let you know, I'm with you on this. But I'm also with her... because I have to be. I have to support her."

Dorthy's fear for Jessica had risen, especially after today. Little did anyone really know, Dorthy went through this Sam phase after she had Jessica. Ann and Jane were too young to remember, but Dorthy developed really bad PPD. She almost didn't want to have anymore kids after how traumatizing her PPD was... but that was something that Dorthy swore she'd keep to herself, for her children's sake.


The next day:

"There's my baby girl.." Jessica smiles as Jane, Sam's mother walks in with Eloise all cuddled up in her car seat.

"Thanks again mom and dad." Sam says

"Of course... how are you feeling Jessica?" Jane asks

As Jessica takes Eloise out of the car seat to give her so many kisses, she turns to Jane with a fake smile and says "I'm fine... really."

Dorthy was in the background shaking her head softly. Jessica was putting on a show and she didn't know why.

"She loved staying at nana and papas. Huh?" Samuel says

"It's great that you guys have that extra room for her." Dorthy says to Jane

"I know. It worked out perfectly. Of course I stayed in there with her. Since a crib is kinda new to her." Jane smiles

"We are slowly transitioning her out of the bassinet. But she still fits! So until she outgrows the bassinet, she sleeps by mommy and daddy every night." Sam says


Since having Eloise back, Jessica went right back into her normal schedule. She acted as if nothing happened last night and everything was fine. That's how Jessica wanted to keep it, but she knew her mother and Sam couldn't get it out of their head.

"Hey Sam, did the test strip for my breast milk show up yet?" Jessica asks as Eloise cries to be fed.

After the hospital, Jessica wanted to check her breast milk to make sure it was safe for Eloise.

"You're in the clear" Sam says as walks back inside to sit next to Jessica while she feeds Eloise.

"There you go..." Jessica says to Eloise as she gets situated.

There was a few moments of silence until Sam decided he had to get something off his chest.

"Jess.... I'm worried." He says


"The park thing really scared me. I'm just afraid it will happen again and I don't...." he adds

"Sam... why do you keep bringing this up?"

"Because everyone is worried! You won't listen to anyone except me." He says

Jessica was stunned. Sam had never been so aggressive before. She knew she gave everyone a scare, but she promised herself it wouldn't happen again.

"Are you trying to tell me to go on meds too?" She hisses

"Yes... I am. Just until you see a therapist and start feeling better. Stuff like this just doesn't go away." He says

"Damn it Sam!" She yells, then Eloise moves around. The noise was was bothering her. So Jessica began to whisper. "I don't want to put medication into my body. I'd rather just take it one step at a time. Talk to someone and go from there. Everyone just wants me to take drugs and be perfect again? It doesn't work like that."

"I'm trying to help you. I love you." He says

Jessica turns the other way and sides "I shouldn't have called anyone." She says under her breath.

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