I'm Sad, Sister.

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Right after Sam drove off, Jessica walked to the bus station. When she first saw her mom, she gave her an address to her new home. So, Jessica decided to go to her mothers. She felt like there was no one that she wanted more than her mother. She just wanted Dorthy to hold her and tell her that it would all be okay. She couldn't believe what she just did... end everything with Sam... and why? Because she didn't like that he wanted to leave Minnesota.

When Sam and Jessica first started dating, they always had this dream to wait to go to college, get a bus and travel the world. Now there was a baby. College was a must and traveling and leaving home wasn't a desire of Jessica's anymore, yet it was for Sam. She felt indifferent about Sam's decisions. They were both stubborn. But this time, it really felt real. Like it was over for good.

From the bus stop Jessica got an Uber to her mothers. It was bitterly cold and she could not put anymore stress on herself.

Snow was coming down ready hard when Jessica arrived. The roads were super icy and it was dark. Jessica's phone had died so she had no way to text anyone after she got into her Uber.

When they finally arrived at Dorthy's the Uber driver was kind enough to help Jessica get out of the car and not slip.

Soon enough Dorthy heard the car door shut and saw Jessica from out the window. She grabbed her jacket and opened the door to Jessica finally at her door step with tears in her eyes.

"Mom." She cries

"Oh honey... come here." She cries as she holds Jessica so tight

"Let's get you inside."


Dorthy sits close next to her mother and cries harder than ever. Jessica felt like she was having a panic attack. She had to clear view of her future and it made her frustrated. She really did want to be with Sam and was mad at herself but after some of the things he said, she grew more angry with him rather than feeling bad.

Dorthy comforted her through it all as she let it all out. Jessica was one to always bite her tongue and hold in her emotions. But it has been months since she really expressed herself and what she wanted. She felt almost homeless and lifeless.

"Honey... I'm so sorry." Dorthy cries

"I am too." She says

"Things will get better. They can only get better, I mean honey you have a baby coming. It will be your biggest blessings. When she's here your life will feel complete and all together." Dorthy says softly

"How can you be so sure?" She cries

"Well, your father and I had Ann at a young age. Not as young as you, but young enough to be doing though some of the same things as you. Your father and I had our falling outs while I was pregnant and I broke up with him many times... for silly reasons. But him and I came together and when Ann was born my life had a purpose." Dorthy smiles

"Do you think I broke up with Sam Over a silly reason?" She asks

"No, not at all. You were scared of what was to come. But I also think you looked too fast into the future without giving it time. You and Sam are very young, but no matter what you two are having a baby together. No matter what he'll be apart of your life. It's just up to you if you want him to be the complete version of your life."

"What do you mean?"

"It's up to you if want him for better or for worse."

Jessica shakes her head and cries. "I don't know what I want."

"That's okay too..."

"Mom... I just-"

"I missed you too." Dorthy smiles

"I just really need you." She cries

"I know honey, and I'm here for you." Dorthy takes her hand.

Jessica and her mother had a special moment together that she'd never forget. She finally was able to let go of her anger and forgive her mom. In this moment Jessica had never felt more loved in her life. Her mother opened her mind to the fact that no matter what she will always be supported and always taken care of.



Jessica was thirty weeks pregnant now. During this last month a lot has changed for Jessica and today she was moving in with her mother. After a lot of thought and consideration, Jessica thought it would be best to be with her mom. As hard as it was for Ann, she knew it was best for Jessica as well. Over this last month a lot of mending was made. Dorthy finally had all of her children together and there was so much love to go around. Like Dorthy, no one heard from Albert. They came together as a family that they can be happy without him.

For Jessica, a lot has changed for her. Since she is nearly ten weeks away from having the baby, the school put her in a special program where she can get the same education as everyone else, but online. So now, she was doing to school from home which she very much liked. When it came to Sam, Jessica didn't hear from much from him. Once and a while she would invite him to doctor appointments but he was always at "work". So she would send him pictures and updates, but nothing further was ever brought up.

Jessica missed Sam and he missed her too. But right now, Jessica knew she had to focus on herself before she could commit to Sam. All that mattered to her now was this baby. Sam had a lot of thinking to do himself. He knew where Jessica stood, now it was just time for him.

Along with moving back in, Jessica was able to get her drivers license which would not have been allowed under her fathers roof. Dorthy would have liked for Jessica was 18, but in these last months, Jessica was fully mature enough and ready for this next step.

"I think I'm getting too big from getting in and out of cars." Jessica says to Ann as she make their last stop at Dorthy's with the rest of Jessica's things.

"I'm sad, sister."

"I'm sad too." She cries

"I don't want you to leave... but everything is falling into place for you." Ann sniffles

"Oh Ann.. don't cry! I'm gonna cry even more."

"I know... but I've loved these last four months with you. Coming home to you just chilling and eating all my chips." Ann laughs with a small cry after

"Thank you for everything. I wouldn't be at this point without you." Jessica says giving Ann a hug

"I love you." Ann says

"I love you too."

They wipe away their tears then look at the door.

"Are you ready?" Ann says

"I am. Are you?"


They left the rest of the things in the car for later. But for now, Dorthy made a big dinner for all of her kids. They Lange's were finally happy, under the same roof again, enjoying their mother's cooking and each other's company. Really, this is all Jessica needed.


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