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Little Eloise was born at 7:36 pm weighing only 7 pounds and 5 ounces. She was the perfect little girl that Sam and Jessica could ask for. From the moment they laid eyes on her they instantly fell in love with her. Jessica didn't understand how you could fall in love with someone so quickly. Jessica loved her more than life itself and all of a sudden got all of these motherly feelings within a matter of seconds.

Sam couldn't have been more proud of Jessica and how well he did. Seeing Eloise made something snap in him. That his main duty in life was to take care of her and Jessica, forever.

It was nine o'clock now. They had moved Jessica and the baby into a new room. They cleared her up and swaddled the baby in a little blanket with a pink hat.

As soon as they got to the room in was just Sam, Jessica, the baby, and a nurse to help Jessica start breastfeeding.

Before the rest of the family came in Dorthy, Ann and Jane went to show everyone some pictures to hold them over until the big moment when they met her.

"Look at this angel. She's so perfect." Jessica smiles as she looks down at her as the nurse assist Jessica in breast feeding.

"Look at that! First time and she latched." The nurse smiles

"That's my girl." Sam say holding her tiny little hand

"I'm so in love with her." Jessica whispers

"Me too. She's beautiful just like her mother."

"Aww, babe." Jessica giggles

Then, they hear a knock on the door. It was the family coming to see the baby.

Jessica finished up feeling Eloise then let Sam take her to hand to the family members. Dorthy had already held her so it was Janes turn. Sam softly placed the baby in her grandmothers hand.

Jane started to cry. Samuel had his arm on his wife's shoulder as she looked down at this little baby that was now his granddaughter.

"Aww, look at her. She looks just like Jessica." Jane giggles

"I think she has a lot of Sam in her as well." Dorthy says

"A perfect mix." Jessica giggles

"How do you feel? Are you alright?" Jane, Jessica's sister says

"I'm okay. I hurt but all I can think about is her." Jessica giggles

"She wanted to come early to say hello to everyone."
Ann says

"Yeah. She's a little early bird, but not by much. I'm just glad she's here and healthy." Jessica smiles

After Jane had a little bit with the baby he takes her and places him in Ann's arms.

"Oh wow.... how is it possible to love someone at first sight?" Ann sobs

"That's the magic of babies." Dorthy says

"I promise to be the super fun aunt. Always." Ann says holding her finger

Eloise held Ann's finger back making everyone giggle.

"She made you pinky promise." Sam says

"But little does use know I'll be the even more fun aunt. Ann is old!" Jane laugh

"She'll love you all equally."


The next morning;

Jessica didn't want Eloise to leave her or Sam's side. So she declined the nursery offer and woke up every hour with the baby. When she didn't need fed and just held, Sam would cradle his little human in his arms and rock her back to sleep.

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