A Church Girl, Pregnant?

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A week later:

After seeing her baby for the first time Jessica's mind went into a completely different world. She was head over heels In love with her little baby. This big bright cloud of lust hung over her. For the first time since everything has happened, Jessica was at peace. Nothing mattered more in the world other than her baby. Once she had come to realize that, she forgot about her parents and Sam. All she needed was her sisters and their support and she had that.

Regarding Sam, Jessica didn't speak to him. He tried to reach out but she ignored him. He had made her so angry that she was fine never talking to him again. Maybe her parents were right, maybe he wasn't good for her. He didn't take the chance at all yet to step up and that's what Jessica needed from him.

She had heard that he was out partying over the weekend which made her even more furious and aware of that fact that he wasn't man enough to take this next step in his life.

It was a Friday and Jessica was packing up things to do to fifth period.

"Hey Jessica." A guy says coming up to her. It was Sam's best friend, Jeffery.

"Hi Jeff." She says in an irritated tone

"Pregnancy hormones hitting you already, damn!!" He yells

Then, everyone in the hallway stops and stares at Jessica.

"Fuck Off." she hisses

"What? Everyone knows your dirty little secret, mommy." He begins to taunt her in front of everyone.

"A church girl, pregnant? What does the church call babies born before marriage? Bastards?" He says as people start to laugh

She wanted to cry and runaway, as she went too, she saw Sam come up behind Jeff and grab the top of his book bag.

"What the hell did you just say to her?" Sam says

Jeff turns around and laughs "ha, the sperm donor himself!"

"Watch it, Conrad." He says sternly

"What are you gonna do?" Jeff mocks him

Sam, with all of his anger building up, swings a shot at Jeff, causing him to fall to the ground and whine.

"Leave her alone." Sam says as she watches Jessica run off into the girls restroom.

"Dude, it was a joke." Jeff says trying to stand up

"Anyone else have something to say?" Sam says looking around

Everyone starts to scurry away. As Jeff gets up, Sam kicks him back to the ground.

"If I hear one more thing out of your mouth, you're dead." Sam says

Sam looks towards the bathroom and runs off to get Jessica.

He opens the women's bathroom door and checks to make sure no one else was there. Then, he turns the lock on the door and goes to find Jessica sitting on the floor in the big stall crying.

"Jess..." he says opening the door

"What do you want? Are you happy now? I've been humiliated." She cries

Sam sits down next to her and shakes his head. "No, I'm not happy."

"Well you had to go and tell everyone!" She hisses

"I didn't tell a soul, I promise..." he says

Jessica wipes her eyes and looks up at Sam. "You didn't?" She sniffs

He shakes his head and puts his and around her. "No, not unless you told me it was okay." He says

"Sam... I saw the baby and I know if you see the baby you'll-"

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