Drama & Pregnancy Pains

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After Dorthy left Albert on Christmas Day, she went to her mothers house and kept trying to think what is next for her. Her first goal was to mend her relationship with the children. Then, find a home where her and her children and rebuild a healthy relationship. Her heart broke for the angry man her husband has become, but right now, he was the least of her worries. The feelings that consumed her now is how she would talk to Jessica and Ann. She owed not only them an apology but Jane and George as well who have been stuck in such an unhappy home.


Jane and George woke up the next morning in Ann's living room to everything being so quite and calm. Jessica and Sam were at the table eating their breakfast quietly while Ann and Madison slept in.

"You two are up early!" Jane says to Sam and Jessica

"I couldn't sleep last night... I've been having so many pains!" Jessica groans

"And when my lady doesn't sleep, I don't either." Sam winks at her

"Sometimes you guys are too lovey for me!" Jane says in disgust

"Have you heard from mom?" George asks as he checks his phone.

"Yeah, she said not to go home and to go to grandmas." Jane says

"Me too. What does this mean? she wants us home as soon as possible." George says

Ann walks in the kitchen with her robe still on and rubs her eyes. She came in just in time to hear the text from Dorthy.

"Well, maybe you guys should go over and see what's going on with mom?" Ann says

"Are you good to drive?" Sam says to Jane

"Yeah, I am good." Jane says

"Keep me updated, okay?" Jessica says

"Yeah, let's get going George"

After George and Jane said their goodbyes Jessica got ready for the day. Jessica and Sam were going to use some of their work money to get started on preparing for the baby. But whatever was going on with Dorthy would be a constant distraction throughout the day for Jessica.


Sam and Jessica headed into the city to do some shopping. As they were driving through some traffic, Sam and Jessica listened to some music.

"You know, babe... you can't keep this truck for long." Jessica says to Sam. Sam's truck was one of his many happy things. He bought the truck off his dad and worked on it for years until it was ready when he got his license. Unfortunately, it only had two seats. Jessica didn't have a car or a license, so Sam had to make the decision to either sell his truck and buy a new one, or put extra money that can go towards the baby into a second car.

"I hate to see it go..." he sighs

"I know, baby. But even if I had a license, which I need my parents signature for, I can't afford a car for us. This truck is our only hope at getting a better one for when we have the baby." She says taking his hand.

"I know... and I will get a good car for our little family." He smiles

"You still have time though." She smiles "We have until late April, early May."

"It will happen. I just need some more time with this old thing. It's treated me good."


Sam and Jessica walk around the mall and stopped in almost baby store. Mainly Jessica wanted to focus on clothes. Her and Sam were very careful with the money they had in order to save the rest for necessities like diapers and important supplies.

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