sixteen; the elevator

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Flash had successfully managed to drag a slightly hungover Nico out of bed at 8am to sneak out and grab breakfast at the Dunkin' Donuts around the block

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Flash had successfully managed to drag a slightly hungover Nico out of bed at 8am to sneak out and grab breakfast at the Dunkin' Donuts around the block. Now, the two sat outside the auditorium with a half empty box of donuts in between them, waiting for the rest of their teammates to come down.

Nico slurped the last bit of iced coffee and set down the large cup, "You gonna drink that?" he asked, nodding towards Flash's small iced coffee as he adjusted his sunglasses. Flash glanced at the empty cup and slid his drink over.

"I can't believe you got shitfaced by yourself last night," Flash chuckled lightly.

"Didn't plan to," Nico mumbled, "it only started with a bit of wine and then I saw that rum hidden in the back and might have gotten carried away."

"You're gonna get in so much shit," Flash stated. Nico finished off the last bit of the iced coffee and shrugged, "What's the worst thing Harrington will do? Give me detention?"

Before Flash could respond, someone shouting "donuts" interrupted. The two looked over to see their yellow-clad teammates eagerly walking over to them and stood up. Flash handed the leftover donuts to the team as Nico's eyes darted around the room in search of Peter, to no avail. Instead he saw Liz and Ned talking a few metres away with Mr. Harrington.

"What's going on?" Nico questioned, motioning to the three.

"Ned has to fill in for Peter," Michelle answered before biting into a donut.


"You didn't hear?" a teammate asked, "Your boyfriend dipped and never came back." Nico's eyes went wide under his sunglasses. He was frozen. Panicking. I didn't know how to respond. What made him think that? Did he watch us on the bus? Was it that obvious? Did Peter say something?

"Shut the fuck up, Warner." Flash shouted sternly, snapping Nico out of his thoughts. Flash snatched the donut box from his hands, and handed the last donut over to another team member who hadn't gotten one yet.

"Alright team!" Mr. Harrington greeted as he walked over with Liz and Ned. "Who's ready to get their trivia on?"

 "Who's ready to get their trivia on?"

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