twenty-six; the bleachers

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When Peter woke up the next morning he was sad from the night before, but not as sad as he should've been

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When Peter woke up the next morning he was sad from the night before, but not as sad as he should've been. It dawned on him on the subway — after all the busyness of getting ready for school had passed — when he finally had a moment to himself on the packed train to pull out his phone to text Nico. That's when he remembered what else had happened last night and felt a sudden pang in his chest.

He messed up, and for the duration of the ride, Peter went over a dozen ways of apologizing to Nico. He had to make things right, and that was the first thing he was going to do when he stepped off the subway.

However, as he stepped into first period biology he froze when he saw Nico had switched seats and was now sitting next to Flash. Nico didn't look over at Peter once during the entire class, not even when the teacher acknowledged him in front of the class for being on time for once. It hurt him a little, but Peter knew there were plenty of other opportunities to talk to Nico today. It was only first period after all.

As the first bell rang, Peter quickly grabbed his stuff and sprang up from his chair. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough and got caught in the cluster of students trying to exit the class at once. When he finally made it into the hallway, Nico was nowhere to be found.

Peter found himself in the same situation for the next few classes they shared. Nico had switched seats and was gone immediately at the bell.

It was finally lunch, and Peter was hoping he'd find Nico sitting at his usual table with Flash, but he was nowhere to be found yet again. Peter slammed his tray on the table and plopped down beside Ned.

"Dude, what's up with you?" Ned asked.

"I did something stupid and I have to apologize, but the damn universe is making it so hard for me to get even a second alone with Nico." Peter said with a huff.

"Oh," Ned said, "Well, Betty said that he went back to join the school paper, so maybe you can catch him after detention." Ned added. He was about to ask him to go into more detail about what happened, but from the way Peter frustratedly stabbed a straw into his juice box he decided it would be better to ask later.

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