eighteen; the rooftop pt. 2

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The bus ride back to school was silent. Night had fallen and half of the team slept as the other half sat quietly, still not over the situation at the tower. Neither Peter nor Nico spoke to each other after Spider-Man saved the day; they didn't know how to begin that conversation. Nico was scribbling randomly into his journal, making it seem as if he were writing, while Peter watched him from across the aisle, curled up in his hoodie. Nico could feel the boy's eyes on him but he was too nervous to look up and make eye contact with him. Eventually, Nico gained the courage to peek up from his journal and found Peter asleep. His shoulders relaxed, and he slipped his journal – now full of two random pages of scribbles and doodles – into his backpack.

The bus came to a stop twenty minutes later when Nico had finally started to drift off. He opened his eyes which quickly locked with Peter's. The two looked away and frantically grabbed their stuff, before bumping into each other as they stepped into the aisle at the same time.

"Sorry," they mumbled in unison.

"You can go first," Nico spoke, stepping back into his seat.

Peter stepped back as well, "No, it's okay you can go."

"No, it's ok–"

"How about I go?" The two looked over to see Ned standing behind them. As he walked by he gave Peter a confused glance, to which Peter just sighed in response. Nico quickly grabbed his stuff and exited the bus. He saw his mom talking to Flash a few feet away and speedily made his way over to engulf her in a hug.

"Oh I'm so glad you're okay," Cassandra said, smoothing his hair. Her eyes wandered over to Flash who was awkwardly standing beside them. His parents didn't show up and they didn't bother sending their driver or butler, because it was already 'too late out' according to them. "I'm glad you're both okay," she added, reaching out her arm for Flash.

"Fine, only because you're insisting." Flash said, eagerly placing the decathlon trophy on the ground before joining the hug.

"So, who wants to get some pizza before we head home."

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