twenty-one; the truth

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I love my dad

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I love my dad. A lot. So much that it never even crosses my mind that he's my step-dad. He's always been dad. But this past little while it's starting to not feel like that anymore.

He gets worked up over any small thing I do and I don't understand why. Yeah, I'm a teenager, I get yelled at. But don't I have to do something stupid first before getting scolded? I went to a dumb party once (and came home sober might I add. Thank you, MJ and Flash) and my dad acts like I was out dealing cocaine with the Kingpin.

Yeah okay I'll admit, I might have some fault in it. I forgot to text him before going to the movies with Peter, but it's not like I came home late. I've been out longer with Flash and it was never a big deal.

Fuck. As I'm writing this I'm starting to get angry.

My dad has no reason to get as mad as he does at me. I know I'm not the perfect son but I could've been a hundred times worse than what I am now. He wants to be mad at me? So be it. I'm not changing. In fact, maybe I will go deal cocaine with Wilson Fisk! That'll give you something to be mad about, dad. And you know what, maybe I'll tell him about Peter. That'll piss him off.

I used to think he was accepting about these kind of things as well as my mom, but after his recent behaviour I'm starting to believe the worst. So scratch that. I'll just keep Peter to myself.

Now...I have to get back to trying to be a good son and go stock the shop. I would quit out of spite but how the heck do you quit a family business? Leave the family? Too extreme. I'll just mope around.

*In case someone finds this journal and has surprisingly read this far, I'm kidding. Please don't call the cops. Also, fuck you for reading my journal.

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