twenty-two; the death star

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The latest pop music videos quietly played from the tiny TV mounted on the wall as Nico sat behind the front counter of the shop, placing bottles of aspirin on the shelf

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The latest pop music videos quietly played from the tiny TV mounted on the wall as Nico sat behind the front counter of the shop, placing bottles of aspirin on the shelf. The bell above the door chimed and Nico turned to see his best friend saunter in. Flash dramatically took off his sunglasses, tried to flip his gelled hair, and stuck out his hand, "Sub. Now."

Nico snorted, "Yeah, no way. You can get a sub after you finish stocking the shelves." He replied, motioning to the empty shelves surrounded by a dozen boxes.

"Worth a shot." Flash mumbled, placing the sunglasses on the counter.

"In what world would "Sub. Now." make me want to make you a sub?" Nico laughed.

Flash shrugged, "The cool entrance was supposed to catch you off guard."

"Keep working on it, buddy." Nico replied, handing him a box cutter.

Mr. Delmar emerged from the back room, "Who was that?"

"It's just Flash," Nico mumbled in an annoyed tone as he gestured to Flash, who was already placing bread on the shelves.

"Oh hey Mr. D!" Flash smiled.

"Flash! Haven't seen you around lately. How are you?"

"I'm great! I'm sure Nico told you we won the decathlon." Flash replied.

Mr. Delmar laughed half-heartedly, "Nico doesn't tell me much these days."

"Jesus christ." Nico whispered to himself. Flash looked at the box of bread in front of him awkwardly, "Right...the shop is looking good. Brand new," he says in an attempt to ease the tension.

"Yeah, those Damage Control people don't mess around. They got here as soon as the sun rose...left lots of paperwork though." Mr. Delmar replied. He glanced over at Nico who was focusing his attention on shelving the pill bottles instead of their conversation. "Well, I'm going to go work on that. You boys don't let anyone in. Nico, put the sign on closed."

Nico sighed quietly as his dad left.

"What's up with you and your dad?" Flash asked in a hushed tone.

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