thirty-two; the rooftop pt. 3

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Nico shoved his phone into his pocket and drove the car off the rocky shoulder, and onto the road

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Nico shoved his phone into his pocket and drove the car off the rocky shoulder, and onto the road. As he sped back to the industrial park, a loud rumble echoed through the air. Nico looks over, and in the distance he sees a dusty gray cloud where he dropped off Peter. He presses down on the gas pedal, not once glancing at the speedometer.

He approaches what remains of the building and immediately hops out of the car and dashes towards the rubble. Nico looks around, only seeing broken cement blocks and debris, with no sign of Peter. He starts to call out Peter's name as he cautiously manoeuvres through the wreckage. As Nico nears the middle of what was once the building, he hears a voice cry out from a few yards away.

"Peter? Where are you?" Nico shouted, pulling out his phone's flashlight.

"I'm down here! I'm stuck – I'm stuck, I can't move!" Peter cried.

Nico hurriedly makes his way towards him, ducking under and jumping over the ample amounts of debris. He follows the soft cries before finally arriving in front of Peter, who was pinned flat on the ground by two large foundation pillars.

"Nico...Nico, please you gotta help me, you gotta help me. I can't...I can't..." Peter whimpered.

"It's okay, I'm here." Nico said as he knelt down in front of Peter, before starting to chuck aside the smaller rocks and boulders around him. Peter places his hands in Nico's and tries to pull himself out from under the debris, but with no success.

"I can't move," Peter stated, his breathing becoming more rapid as he continued to panic.

Nico eyed the giant cement pieces holding Peter down and he knew there was no way he could get either of them to budge even slightly, and if he did it could probably fall and crush Peter even more.

"Hey, look at me," Nico said calmly, despite his heart racing a mile a minute, "You have to do this yourself."

"I can't." Peter breathed heavily, "I can't."

"Yes, you can. You are so strong, Peter. You can do this," Nico reassured, wiping the tears and dust from Peter's cheeks, "You're Spider-Man."

"I'm...I'm Spider-Man" Peter stated, "I'm Spider-Man."

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