thirty-six; the re-do

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"Tony Stark!" Nico said excitedly, "Like, Iron Man Tony Stark!" Peter smiled as Nico continued to excitedly blabber beside him in the backseat of the car Mr. Stark sent. "Why didn't I put it together sooner? If you're Spider-Man then obviously you'd know Iron Man too. Oh my god, wait, am I meeting the rest of the Avengers too? What's Thor like? Mr. Happy, have you met The Avengers? Who's your favourite?"

Happy Hogan, Mr. Stark's head of security, glanced at Nico through the rearview mirror.

"Wait, you're gonna say Iron Man, aren't you? Understandable." Nico said before Happy could respond. "Can I meet Thor? Oh my god, Peter, can I please meet Thor?"

Peter glanced at Happy who slightly shook his head in response, unbeknownst to Nico. "No..." he started as Nico's face fell, "But maybe another day? I promise."

Nico smiled and interlocked his pinky with Peter's. His excitement slowly calmed down about fifteen minutes later into the car ride, and he eventually ended up scribbling away in his journal for the rest of the duration. Meanwhile, Peter and Happy caught up on the events from Coney Island.

The new Avengers facility came into view and Peter quickly taps Nico without reverting his gaze from the buildings in front of him. Nico looks up and his eyes go wide in amazement, taking in the impressive compound surrounded by lush greenery and a large lake.

"They just finished remodelling the whole thing." Happy said to the two wonderstruck boys. The car comes to a stop in front of the building and Happy leads them inside. Nico delightedly takes in everything they walk past by, from random tech to the architecture, and even the espresso bar. As they pass a large window, he catches a glimpse of a quinjet from the corner of his eye and stops in his tracks. He stops Peter by grabbing his sleeve, and the two watch the giant armoured jet take off.

"You don't see that everyday." Happy stated.

"Wow," Nico mumbled, "It looks like a spaceship. So cool."

"Oh, there they are." A voice called out. The three turned around to see Tony Stark walking towards them. "How was the ride up? No traffic? Who's this?"

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