thirty; the car ride

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"What the fuck?" Nico mumbled as he stood up to meet Peter's gaze. "You don't talk to me for a week and now you –"

"I know, I suck and I'm sorry but can we talk later? I have to stop him now, he'll be leaving town in like twenty minutes. Please, Nico."

"That's plenty of time. I'm not done –"

"You have every right to be mad at me, but now really isn't the time!" Peter stated.

Nico huffed, "Okay, fine. But I don't have the keys, Flash does."

"Go get them please! Quickly!" Peter shouted. Nico was slightly taken back, but agreed and bolted towards the school.

As he entered the gym he came to a halt, seeing a giant circle of students chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" on the dancefloor. A few teachers were attempting to push their way through to the opening but to no avail.

Nico quickly moved around the circle in search of Flash and stopped as he saw him recording the fight between Austin Grant and Dean Hill.

"Hey! Flash!" Nico shouted as he waved and jumped up and down behind a few students. He cursed, realizing there was no way Flash would be able to hear him over all the commotion. Nico took a deep breath and shoved his way past a bunch of students. He ignored the multiple angry "Hey! Watch it!" responses he got until eventually arriving at Flash's side.


"Oh hey man! This is awesome! I've been waiting to see Austin get his shit rocked for ages!" Flash said loudly over the music and chanting, not once breaking his gaze from the fight.

"Cool. Look, this is crazy but Spider-Man needs your car, so can you give me the keys? I'll probably explain later but –" before Nico could even finish, Flash reached into his pocket and handed him the keys, not processing a word he just said.

Nico grabbed the keys and pushed his way back out of the circle and dashed to the parking lot, where Peter was pacing around the car.

"What took you so long?!" he exclaimed.

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